Part 1

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third pov:

its a chilled evening . the sun almost getting down, giving  sky a reddish color. A car running on the road. its steve who drives. chilled wind touched his face as he enjoying the evening thinking about his life his friends and his so called love. he glad to have Bucky back with him. sam always ready to support him whenever he need. Nat clint wanda work with him and tony still mad at him. and sharon ofcourse they didnt spend much time with each other after confenceing their feelings. still he feel something is missing. did he made a mistake to choose sharon! why do he likes her just because she related to peggy? all the self discussion going on in his head while his eyes catches something.

someone running past the road and headed to near by forest. he couldnt see the person face because of the hoodie he wore. behind him other three men ran to that direction like they hunting him. this is weird. steve decided to take a look. by parking his car side way he followed them. he run and run but there no sign of any of them. its not possible tht they jusy disapear in thin air.

he is about to return when he hear a scream. he run to that direction but after sometime silence takes place. suddenly he catches a movement behind the bushes. slowly he walk there carefully not to make any noise when the hoodie person jump from the bush and attack him with a branch. steve block his hand before he could do anything and trapped him crossing his arms. the hoodie slip from his head revealing a girl with long brunnet hair. her green eyes exhausted and wet. blood dripping from his forehead.

'just leave me alone' her words are breaking in fear and weakness.

steve realise he catch the wrong person'hey  i am not going to hurt you just cal..' he stopped when she fainted infront of him and he catch her before she fall.

steve doesnt understand whats going on . His heart arch to see her like this when a person spoke. ' man.. you have something of us. Just handover the girl and leave.'

Steve look at the three men standing infront of him all of them has hi-tech guns. ' what if i dont' he tightened  the hold on girl.

'Then be ready to die' 

They shoot guns at him which steve dodge. At this momemt he miss his shield but it belongs to tony now. He place the girl under a tree carefully.

'Okay i am ready now'

He throw a stone aiming the person hand as his gun slip down. He run and kick him so forcefully the he flying and stomp on a tree and knock out. Other two men keep firing back to back while he defend himself behind trees and kicked a large  tree that break and hit their heads. They fell unconscious.  He goes back to the girl. Her little body hardly 5'3 laying on the floor. Her face covered by her hair. Steve remove her hair from her face  reveling blood streaming down half of her face. He took his hanky and palce it on her head slowly and carry her to his car.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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