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Boo's Pov

The nether is mostly empty only a few pig people (pigmen) wonder around. "Welcome home" Dianite says as we walk into a giant temple. Wag's name is carved into one of the pillars and I feel my eyes water. "Come." He says walking me past a cell and down a long hallway. "This is my living area, well ours now." He says and it's nothing like what I'm used to. Its only three rooms ones Dianite's the other mine and the living room. The walls are blood red and the place is trashed. I see a shinny black piano in the back corner of the room. Dianite walks me in my room and just about as good as the rest of the "house". White walls a twin sized bed no windows but a pink bedset. "Master." A boy says as I so on the bed. "What Cameron!" Dianite snaps and I feel the tears start to come faster and faster. "Her remembrance service is in...." Dianite cuts him off "I don't care now leave me be!" The boy walks out leaving me alone with Dianite again. "I'll leave you alone. I'm upstairs if you need me." Dianite says shutting my door.

Dianite's Pov

"Cameron!" I yell and he stops in front of me. "Go see her service tell Thomas I'd like to speak with him." I say and he nods walking through the portal. "Dianite" Thomas says and he looks nervous. "Thomas nonetheless of what you did in the past I still want you on team Dianite." I say amd Cameron comes back in. He walks back to where Boo is and I try to ignore it. "I don't know." Thomas says and I nod but don't let him leave. "What about that armor." I say and Thomas smiles.

Boo's Pov

"Boo." I hear a voice say and I sit up. "Stay back!" I yell and I see the boy come in who saw me before. "Thomas is out there." He says lowering my arms from my face. "I have to see him he'll get me out of here!" I say and Cameron jumps as as I start to run towards the door. He catches me and sits me down. "I wish I could get you out to Boo but if I let you put there he'll kill us both." Cameron says and I cry. "I want to go home." "This is home." Dianite says and I feel myself start to tremble. "Cameron go. You have classes to attend." Cameron looks at me and shakes his head. I watch as he walks out slamming the door behind him. "Boo its time you start learning what you can do. Come with me." Dianite says and I follow for mh own safety. He leads me into a training room much more advanced than at the wizards palace. "Now watch me then you try." Dianite says and I nod.

Mianite's Pov

Jordan, Capsize, Ianite and I watch Boo and Dianite carefully. Dianite holds his hand out and shoots a fireball. "Now you try." He says and I can see Boo trembling. "Don't do it Boo." I say leaning forward as Boo raises her hand and boom there goes one. "Powerful for a demi god." Ianite says of course trying to make the most of the situation. "That's only more power towards Dianite." I say as soft as I can. "Wait what's that." Capsize says pointing to a shadow in the back ground. "Its Aurey." Ianite says taking her followers hand in her own.

Boo's Pov

"Dianite what's this?" I ask picking up a weapon. My moms name is carved in it amd I feel my eyes water. "Oh umm that was your mothers bow. I guess you can have it n...now" Dianite says and I see he is about as nervous as I am. "How do I..." Dianite kneels down so he is my height and adjusts the way I hold the bow. He pulls a arrow out and loads it. "Now here's the tricky part." He says and I now know how Joey and Jordan felt. Dianite is burning hot but I have to ignore it. "Pull back and..." Dianite gently pulls my arm back and I release the arrow. It hits the ground a few feet in front of me. Dianite backs up and sort of smiles. "Cameron can give you lessons. Now lets get some sleep." Dianite says leading me back to my room. "Goodnight." He says and for the first time in months I tuck myself in. I close my eyes amd fall asleep to the sound of my own heartbeat into what feels like a restless night.

Time Skip

Boo's Pov

I jolt awake to Dianite yelling at someone else and thunder. Cameron runs in and sits next to my bed. "Its your uncle he amd Dianite don't get along well." He says and I nod. "Your turning her into a monster!" One yells and tears run down my face. "She's not a monster Mianite you and your fucked up laws are!" Dianite yells in responce. "I wanna go home." I cry holding my knees to my chest. "She's going to end up just like you Dianite! A murderer!" "How dare you bring up my past!" Dianite ends the fight and walks back to where Cameron and I are. "Cameron why are you here." Dianite says and I continue to cry. "I....want to g...go h....h....ome." I cry amd Cameron shakes his head. "Because of this Dianite you're killing this poor child!" Cameron yells and I feel my heart split. "Cameron leave my sight!" Dianite yells and Cameron leaves without another word. "Don't listen to your uncle. He's just a...." I nod causing him to stop. "Lets go." Dianite whispers amd we walk to the training room. "Cameron teach her how to shoot. Then Boo you and I can work on powers." Dianite leaves at that amd Cameron picks up his bow and I pick up my own. "Listen archery isn't easy its going to take practice watch me first." Cameron shoots a arrow and it hits the dead center of the target. I load my bow pull it back amd just before I fire time stops. "Boo don't fire that arrow. Remember who you really are!" Jordan yells and I snap back into reality. I'm in Dianite's arms and my heart is racing. "What's going on!" I panic as Dianite lays me in my bed. "Boo calm down you've had a vision. Everything is okay you just need rest." Cameron says and I let my eyes roll shut. "I love you." I hear myself say "Love you more Boo." A voice that I've never herd before says. "I know she's perfect okay! I get Jocelyn is everything I'm not!" I hear myself yell and I jolt awake. I'm still in my room but I'm alone. Cameron sticks his head into the room and gasps. "Dianite she's awake." He says and Dianite walks in. He sits beside my bed and brushes a stray hair out of my face. "How Long have I been asleep?" I ask and he sighs. "3 weeks. Slept through your birthday. But hey you're 8 now." Shock rolls through me he knew that! "Listen I've got to go to Mianite for judgement I wish I could explain what's going on with your head but I can't. I'll be home in three days time." He says and I nod. I feel empty as he leaves. Then something greater than that feeling hits me. "Kill yourself." A voice whispers in the back of my head. "Boo come here." Cameron says and I walk into the living room. He's holding up a violin with a pink bow on it. "This was one of my old ones but I figured I could teach you how to play." He says and I nod. "How did you know that I wanted to play?" I ask and he smiles "you talk in your sleep."

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