Happy (Late) Mother's Day!

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Toriel POV

(this does nothing to the story, skip if you would like uwu)

It was a day like everyday. But, at the same time, it wasn't. Frisk had explained to me that today was a human holiday called "Mother's Day". A day where you show your mothers' how much they meant to you by telling them you love them or giving little gifts. 

"Oh, this holiday does sound very sweet!", I said, lips curved into a smile. It was probably my first time hearing of this very sweet day. I'd been on the surface for some time now and everytime of the year on this particular day, Frisk would always hug me and give me a small little gift. Last year it was a bouquet of flowers, and this year, she'd just pulled out a beautiful necklace.

"Oh goodness, my child, I.. I cannot take this." I felt guilty. She spent her hard earned money on a little old woman like me, giving me stuff I would like instead of getting herself something. I pat her head as I handed the necklace back to her.

"No, mom, I want you to have it! You deserve it!", Frisk said as she handed the necklace back to me, still beaming with happiness. "But--"

"Happy Mother's Day, Mom", Asriel said as he came down from upstairs holding what seemed to be a tiny mirror, not to tiny, but tiny enough. "Frisk is right, Mom! you really do deserve this!"

Asriel and Frisk hugged me tightly, as I hugged them back. "Most kids just do it cause it's a holiday, and it feels like you aren't participating. But, if I could give you something everyday to tell you I love you; hell, I would've did that a long time ago!"

"Chara cares too! even if.. you guys haven't been on good terms, Chara told me to give this to you!" Frisk said as she brought out a little envelope with a pink striped box attached to it.

'Dear mom, I love you. Even if I don't say it out loud like a freaking doofus. Love, Chara'

I had to hold back my giggle as I opened the tiny box too see 4 pieces of chocolate, one had a little piece bitten off as I closed the top back. I truly couldn't ask for a better family.

"The kids' are right, Tori. We really don't know we'd do without you around. You're actually like a mom for all of us. Even considering I think that's correct cause.. me and Paps don't really know who our parents are.", I heard Sans say as he was apparently sitting at the table. How long had he been there?

"Happy Mother's Day, T." He said before bringing out a weird bone related to a humerus in a bow and giving it to me. It was heavier than it looks.

"Thank you, my friend."

"Heh. Well maybe not 'Mother', considering, I don't think any "Mom" would drink 3 glasses of wine not only infront of their child but, also throw lunchables' pizzas at them aswell." Sans said with a cackle as he took a sip of his ketchup bottle.

"Maaaaybe... Happy Auntie's Day."

"But, today we take a MUM-untal day  to celebrate you, y'know?" He said with a wink and a giggle making its way through his voice. "Was that a pun?"


I could hear loud foodsteps than a jump, along with a hard thud, than I saw papyrus, as angry and serious as ever. "NO."

Papyrus picked up Sans and started to carry him over to a nearby window.

"H-heh.. what's wrong, bro? I've got a mother-load of jokes left to-"


Papyrus through Sans out the window.

'What a mom-mentous  occasion.'

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