22. Failed scare attempt

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Chapter 22.
Failed scare attempt.

The whole of Seonmoon was in an uproar unlike what Sa-do had naively predicted the previous day. One could not walk two steps without hearing all the speculating and theorizing. Sa-do gritted her teeth, her hands fisted tightly as she half ran to the classroom, trying hard not to scream and punch people in the face chanting that it wouldn't be a very polite way to deal with things. She sat down next to Ban-ryu, hoping against everything, that at least he would stay out of all the gossip.

"Who? Seon-woo is the king?" she heard Soo-ho ask from behind her and swallowed back a sigh. Luck was not on her side today.

Yeo-wool mused, "it looks like I was not the only one to see the symbol of the King."

"Is it true that the mark of Gae-Sae's bracelet is the same as the shape on the scroll of the paper hung on the wall before?" Soo-ho asked doubtfully.

Yeo-wool ignored him and addressed Ban-ryu, "if Gae-Sae is the king, it's fortunate for you."

"What are you talking about?"

The Hwarang leaned down, "what happened between you and him before. You got hit by the King not a half-Cheonin. Does it not make you feel better?"

Sa-do was about to smack her fellow Hwarang upside the head for being such a gossip monger and an occasional idiot but Ban-ryu was one step ahead of her. "Aren't you going to shut up before you get beaten up?"

Yeo-wool backed off in surrender with a peaceful, "yes. Okay."

Sa-do rubbed her forehead in frustration. A migraine was already developing behind her eyes. Never had she imagined boys would be so easily swayed by gossip. They were worse than the ladies at the Okta store.

Seon-woo walked into the class and there was a momentary silence as everyone scrambled away to their seats. He looked around before sitting on the last row away from them. Sa-do was worried that her friend was going to get caught, for no reason, in all this unnecessary drama.

When Ji-dwi entered, he glanced around and met Sa-do's pleading gaze as she tilted her head towards Seon-woo. He nodded in understanding before sitting down next to his roommate.


That evening found Sa-do sitting on the floor of her room beside Ji-dwi as she practiced her writing under his expert instruction. She was clumsy and made a lot of mistakes but Ji-dwi never complained as he repeated things patiently until she got the hang of it. Their roommates were all doing their own work as they prepared for bed. Seon-woo entered the room and the others instantly fall into a silence.

That was until Yeo-wool remarked, "what's wrong with you guys? Having a King as a roommate; is that not a good thing?"

"Hiya!" Soo-ho warned as Sa-do sighed. There was no escaping from this thing. She really wanted to know who put up the scroll and punch him in the face and convey her feelings on the situation and let them know how much inconvenience and stress they had caused her.
Inconvenience and stress that could have been easily avoided and was completely uncalled for, mind you.

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