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Thanks x10000 to my beta fish & cowriter (you know I am NO doctor) EVE <3 She's a goddess so everyone love her (and be nice to Deanne - she doesn't get paid to put in her time and effort to be as generous and amazing as she is. If you don't i ...i will find you ...*shifty eyes*)

also... i love you all ... ... ...


The waiting game…   continued.

They weren’t told much of anything except that Mitch and Jeremy had been found and were en route to a local hospital. The ride over was stressful and long. Scott and Kirstie clung to each other, whispering and crying as they leaned on one another in the very backseat.

The air was heavy between them in the large van, and every heartbeat seemed to echo in their ears.

Once they arrived it wasn’t much better.

They only found out that both were still living, at least for now, because both sets of parents were already there waiting. Jeremy had been rushed into emergency surgery, but the outlook wasn’t all that great. Kirstie and Kevin ended up praying together in the corner, while Mitch’s mother clung to Scott as they cried together.

No one really knew anything about Mitch, except that he was unconscious and it wasn’t good.

Olivier was dead. That much they did know, and even with things as bad as they were, somehow that small fact made things just a bit easier.



She looked up into teary green eyes full of distress. She somehow managed to find the strength to stand and took Avi’s hand and led him to the other side of the room. “Are you ok?” She asked quietly and that was all it took to break him.  She got him onto one of the vacant couches there in the waiting room and he cried into her shoulder as she wrapped her arms around him.

“I’m so sorry. This is all my fault. I’m the one that picked 3, not Scott. It’s my fault.”

She pulled back, managing to get him to lift his face so that she could hold it in her hands. “Avi, this is not your fault.” Her own tears began to fall again, and she sniffled a bit.  “No matter what you did, you didn’t do this. You did what you thought was right and Jeremy would never ever fault you for that. You can’t blame yourself and neither can I. This isn’t our fault.”

He bowed inward as guilt broke him down once again and they curled into each other as they cried, Avi’s sobs shaking the two of them. Kevin joined them after too long and once Esther and Darien, who’d had to drive themselves, arrived they also joined the little huddle.

Nel kept trying to urge Scott to join, but he just shook his head. He just hugged himself as he sat waiting for news, fighting an endless battle to keep his tears at bay and his heart from shattering in his chest.


A thousand tears, a lot of pacing, a few rounds of coffee and many snacks that no one could stomach later…..

Jeremy was still in surgery, but Mitch’s parents were finally allowed to see their son. He wasn’t awake and wasn’t doing all that well, but they could at least see him and hold his hand.

Scott declined the offer to join them, even when Mitch’s mother all but begged him. He wasn’t sure he would have the strength to go in there, and seeing her lose composure would only make it worse. Maybe it was simply easier if he didn’t see him again. Maybe it would be easier to let go if he never felt those small fingers enveloped in his own ever again, saw those lips, that face…     He worked himself up into a panic once again and rushed for the door. He had barely opened it when he ran straight into a body. He looked up and when their eyes met he all but collapsed in his arms, the two ending up on their knees as he lost control.

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