cigarettes p.t. 2-harrison

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some more joj action in this chapter, lads.
also, i apologize for the lack of ringo content, i'm having trouble finding plots i can imagine him in :(
the next few updates will be ringo ones, promise☺️
also, this chapter is just something to get out of my drafts, & it's not the best (AT ALL.) so please don't mind the awfulness here...


The girls made it down to the Merseyside ferries, deciding to stop somewhere they wouldn't be booted from because of their age-and because Allie wanted fish and chips. Distant footsteps paused Allie's talking. They had gotten lost in a conversation about Americans and how weird the pair thought they were. Elvis Presley though-he was the only exception.

They stopped to turn in unison, and Maggie's heart skipped a few beats when she saw who it was.

"Look we really are sorry about John," Mascara boy said when they caught up, a lazy arm draping across Allie's shoulder. "He can be a bit of a drag sometimes."

"Hey, sod off ye muppet," John skidded to a stop while chasing after them down the hill when he realized the other two were serious about going after the girls.

"Don't ye have somewhere to be, Lennon?" George spoke up from beside Maggie and her heart leapt. Every single thing he did made her want to smile, and she hated it.

Everyone shifted their attention to John, who looked like an absolute idiot walking next to the couples without a bird of his own.

"A date with Cyn, perhaps?" Mascara smirked at him.

"Oh shit!" And with that, John took off down the road, not missing a single step as he bolted up the stairs, leaving George and Mascara chuckling behind him.

"Who's Cynthia?" Allie asked, looking up at him.

"John's poor bird," he explained. "They started going out a few months back, and he's nearly missed every date they've had."

"I'm surprised she still tries," George said. "They're still going strong for the most part."

"Actually-I don't believe we've properly met." Mascara stuck out his hand to Maggie. "I'm Paul. That's George."

"I'm Allie," she slid her hand into Paul's, smiling at the touch of him. "That's Margaret. I love your eyes."

They eventually got to talking about where they wanted to go for drinks, which led Allie to talk about the Cavern all over again. She got so upset, tears began to form in her eyes. It really did mean a lot to her.

As Paul comforted Allie, Maggie felt George's hand brush up against her own. Her heart swelled, but when she saw it was an accident, she tried to calm her insides down. She let out a shaky breath she didn't know she was holding, trying to focus on walking straight, but her breathing hitched when it happened again. George's fingers brushed against hers.

She decided to be bold and have hers brush back, which made George smile. Maggie heard Allie talking about Patrick, Paul sympathizing her, probably just to get in her pants but when Maggie peeked over, she saw that his face had softened and Allie's head rested on his shoulder as they walked. Paul looked, happy. So did Allie, she looked happy with a boy.

After a while of copying each other, George and Margaret's hands eventually collided, their fingers intertwining together. "I like that much better," George whispered, and she grinned. For the first time in a long time, she genuinely grinned.

"Alright then, me and Allie 'ere are gonna walk back up by Merseyside," Paul spoke up to the couple, his hand joined in Allie's. The girls shared looks that said, this is going to be quite an experience.

"We'll see ye then, ya? Nice to meet you, Allie." George reached over and shook her hand.

"Ta," Allie replied, looking back at Maggie. "Ditto."

When they parted ways, George and Maggie continued walking down the street, hands intertwined, and they eventually turned up at the Cavern. People crowded the outside, pushing together for warmth as the night drew nearer and the air got more and more bitter. Amongst the midst of it, Margaret's eyes landed on John, who pushed through the crowd with a platinum blond girl high on his feet.

"Is that Cynthia?" Maggie asks, leaning over to his ear to have him hear her better.

George sighed. "Why yes, yes it-" His pause was so abrupt she thought he stopped breathing for a second. She looked into his eyes as he watched in horror; John Lennon was snogging another girl.

"Oh, shit, that's not-" Maggie turned back to John, watching as he tongued down the girl on the side of the Cavern. People stared as if their life depended, as if they all personally knew Cynthia, and knew VERY well that that was not her.

"Well," George spoke, his eyes not moving from the couple. "I love Cynthia, but that is not our problem, we'll let Johnny handle that."

She felt a pang of guilt for not letting John's poor bird that something like that was happening and she knew it did, but she accepted gratefully when George began to guide her away from the club.

A few hours later they had toured around the city, laughing and messing around. They found themselves in a record shop, a cafe and even a bookstore.

"You fancy reading?" George had asked, peering over her shoulder at the copy of Alice's Adventures In Wonderland that she held.

She smiled back at him. "To an extent, yes."

"Lemme guess, it has to be a certain genre, or you won't read it?"

She laughed, he was a mind reader. "Well of course. Don't you ever think that the genre you don't like is boring?"

"Well, I never really liked reading, but yes, I hate the books we read at college."

Maggie ended up getting Alice, she'd heard so much about it from her sister who was obsessed with it. George promised they'd see each other again so she could read it to him, maybe change his point of view on reading after all.

Before they parted ways, he kissed her cheek. She kissed his cheek. They had stared into each other's eyes, and they kissed each other's lips.

Romance, huh?

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