Problem? Prt 1

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I love how he tries to make me jealous
I love how pictures of my are still in his phone
I also love how we can be in the same room angry with each other
I love him but he loves her.

Is it responsible to be with Paul in a club at 2 in the morning? Probably not
Do I care? No
Should I? Possibly

Paul: Let's dance

Gia: Come on

Ahora Dice came on and Paul and I started dancing on eachother. Grinding and touches we shouldn't be doing. But I'm not drunk not by a long shot. Paul isnt either we're just having fun. I want another drink. Paul followed as we drank we shared secrets.

Paul: She hurt me Gia 3 years I was with her and nothing to show for it

Gia: Paul you do have something to show for it. You got heart. You were broken and fixed yourself up. That's what you have to show for it

Paul: I guess what's going on with you and Jacob

Gia: Nothing.... I dont know one minute we're okay the next he's all over her but gets mad at me

Paul: You're a strong woman Gia dont forget that

Gia: Let's go home Paul

Paul: You're right we're so going to feel this in the morning

I sent us home and Paul and I made it to the door I locked it and we both fell asleep on the couch. It was so bright and my head hurt. I grabbed the advil and two cups of water. I jumped on Paul.

Paul: Gia get off

Gia: Wake up we have school

Paul: hand me advil

Gia: here and your water I got dressed up for the day and I'm waiting on Paul. He's so slow.

I heard a knock at the door and it was Jared?!

Jared: Sinclair where's Paul

Paul: Here come on time for school

Jared: You missed patrol

Paul: No I didnt I took the early one

Jared: Sinclair you're a bad influence

Gia: I've been hearing that alot lately

Paul: What's up

Jared: Black is mad at you for spending time with Gia

Paul: So what he'll be okay.... Why should he care the girl he wants is messing with leeches. Putting him in danger because she hangs around them. He's safer with one of us watching from afar.

Jared: Not me

Gia: Not it

Paul: Damn it why me. He already hates me

Gia: I'm not on the best terms with him Jared you're up

Paul: Have fun with that

Gia: we have to go or we'll be late

Paul: Off to hell

Gia: Yup

The second we got in all eyes were on us. I'm confused like really. Jacob walked up and punched Paul. What the fuck is going on. Jacob and Paul started fighting. I decided to break it up. I grabbed both Jacob and Paul by their ears and started walking. Both yelping in pain. I turned to the both of them. Not in a good mood.

Gia SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now