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Chara POV

Is silence.. really silence..?

I mean.. I know it exists.. it's's..— abstract thing..?— you can't see it.. nor can you touch it.. but, can you hear it?

If it's silent, does that mean it's nothing or is it something?

"I don't know."


Where.. where am I..? It was dark.. so dark I couldn't see my hands in front of me.., that I had my eyes open but were they really open..? The floor was hard.. it was cold. Colder than it should be.. "is.. anyone here..?"

As soon as I said that, I heard footsteps.. than saw the same black figure from before come out.. a large smile spread across their face, "it's.. it's you! Who... who are you?", they giggled than ran back into the darkness. I had to follow whoever that was. I was not gonna let them get away.

So I did what an idiot would do and instead of finding an exit, I ran after them.


Sans POV

"I really don't understand what's the problem?!", Esmé yelled as Sans was leaving.
"The problem is that— it's just..,— damnit.., Esmé, you aren't supposed to..-"
"I'm not supposed to know about this stuff? Why not?"

I facepalmed, than threw my hands to my face letting out an unholy groan.. if by some shitty unfortunate luck, Esmé wouldn't forget this..., she'd just pry till she got all the answers.. I couldn't convince her it wasn't real either..

I mean.., if we exist.. of course any other weird, mystical stuff could exist to.

"Just.., just forget it."
"You know I won't."
"I.. know.."
"Who did you hear this from atleast..?", I asked.. sitting on her sofa, head down, looking at my knees.. slouched over, while she was sitting down, puppy in her arms, rubbing its belly.

"I just.. need to know."
"Well.. I guess we have our own secrets then."
"It was Chara."

I got up and headed for the door, my right hand out of my pocket. "Hey.. where are you going?-" Esmé grabbed out to reach my hand as I grabbed it.



"Sorry.. just.. I'll see you, k?"



UwU 458 words, pretty crazy uwu

"After the Storm" ((COMPLETED)) Chara x Sans Where stories live. Discover now