Chapter 1 - Welcome to Hope's Peak Pt.1/2

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     Y/n P.O.V

     It's 5 am in the morning, I woke up to see the white roof ceiling in his room, I immediately jumped off his bed and get into my workout jacket to run for an hour, since there is 3 hours left until the entrance ceremony, once I got out of my room, I went to check Nagatsuka room's to make sure her door was locked, I walked downstairs and got out of the house, bringing the house keys with myself, I locked the front door.

     After about 30 minutes of running, I came across Superintendent Takaki's car and looked around, seeing him buying loads of breads for breakfast with his unit, I greeted Takaki and the Takaki greeted in return.

     It was now 6 am in the morning, I decided to head home, I was hoping that Nagatsuka was still asleep, but I was wrong, Nagatsuka was already awake by the time I got home.

Nagatsuka: "Onii-sama, welcome back, I have prepared hot towel and green tea for you in the living room"

Y/n: "Thank you, Nagatsuka" I pats Nagatsuka head, causing her to blush.

Nagatsuka: "Onii-sama.., lemme go prepare breakfast for both of us." After saying so, Nagatsuka quickly go into the kitchen.

     I decided to drink the green tea Nagatsuka prepared before taking shower, I used the hot towel to wash his hands before drinking the green tea.

     After I finished with the green tea, I decided to head into the shower room upstairs to take a shower, soon after I finished, I puts on the Dusk High School uniform and walk downstairs to eat the breakfast Nagatsuka has prepared.

     By the time, both of us finished breakfast, it was 7 am, so I decided to walk Nagatsuka to school, all the way with people gossiping around us...

Unknown female student 1: "Who is that handsome boy, could it be Nagatsuka boyfriend?"

Unknown female student 2: "I am so jealous of Nagatsuka, getting to walk that close to a handsome boy like him, however I haven't seen him in the school before, could it be he's a transfer student?"

Unknown male student 1: "Who's that boy getting to walk that close to our hottie Nagatsuka?"

Unknown male student 2: "Heck do I know, however he looks way too mature for our ages, could it be he's actually Nagatsuka brother?"

     Not to mention, I heard all those gossips all around us, however I decided to not divert my attention to those gossiping, once me and Nagatsuka reached the front gate of the Dusk High School, I waved Nagatsuka a good bye and she waved back.

     I then continued my way towards Hope's Peak Academy, the size of the buildings that Hope's Peak Academy was based at was somewhat huge, students were walking through the gate, I noticed a security of Hope's Peak, in which I quickly identify his appearance, he is a tall, muscular man with an intimidating stature and somewhat, good looking, I guess? He has short dark greenish-grey hair, pink eyes, and tan skin, I decided to ignore him.

     I then continued my way towards Hope's Peak Academy, the size of the buildings that Hope's Peak Academy was based at was somewhat huge, students were walking through the gate, I noticed a security of Hope's Peak, in which I quickly identify h...

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