11: "Asshole's Code."

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I sigh, finishing my last chunk of pastry before sitting back and groaning in pleasure.

"This food is better than sex," I say, "I'm calling it now."

James laughs and leans back as well, putting his elbows on the table we sit on and rubbing his stomach, "I think we should cancel Quidditch tryouts, I'm not sure if I can digest that fast."

I chuckle, and we both sigh in satisfaction, closing our eyes and picking the food out of our teeth with our tongues, the silence growing as we focus on the trivial yet pesky task.

"So how long are you gonna be going after Lily?" I finally say, giving up on digging out my molars and resting my head on my arm to turn and face James. He faces me too, and shrugs.

"Until she agrees to go on a date with me," he says, and I stare into his eyes curiously.

"You really like her, huh?"

He nods, "Ever since I laid eyes on her. Ever since I heard her laugh."

He's got this dreamy look, and suddenly I don't care what the girls say, I can tell that he genuinely likes Lily for more than just her looks.

"That's sweet," I say, but can't help but feel a little bad, "but have you ever thought that maybe she just isn't into you?"

He focuses on my face, and frowns, "No? How ridiculous is that? Everyone's into me."

I scoff in disbelief, "That is so not true."

He laughs, and I roll my eyes, amused at his confidence.

"I think she likes Snape," I say quietly, scanning his expression for a reaction. Sure enough, his eyes darken, and a scowl etches its way into his face. 

"That grease ball?" He scoffs, his mood changing quicker than a prepubescent girl on her period, "What does she see in him, anyway?"

I shrug, "He's nice to her, James. They hit it off good, and it helps that he's not an arrogant bastard."

He smacks me in the face lightly as I laugh, pushing his arm away.

"I am so much more attractive than that lowlife." He shakes his head, as if disbelieving that someone so ugly could be liked by someone as gorgeous as Lily Evans. He's not the only one who is dumbfounded.

"Lily favours personality over looks," I say, "You bully that kid constantly, what good does that do you?"

He looks at me, suddenly annoyed, "Why's it any of your business?"

I frown, "I didn't mean to offend you, I'm just trying to make you see—"

"I don't need you meddling in my love life," he says, sitting up angrily and hopping off the table, "I've got it under control."

"You clearly don't," I snap, sitting up as well, "Lily is never gonna like you if you keep that chip perched on your shoulder."

"What do you know about Lily?" He asks, voice loud enough now to catch the attention of a few of the house elves that surround us, "You haven't even been friends with her for a week!"

"I know her because I listen to her!" I retort, standing up as well, "I know her because unlike you, I don't humiliate her friends in order to gain some nonexistent upper hand because I'm jealous!"

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