Chapter 18

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"Lenny, you in here?" Roy asked, walking into his room. Once he got to the middle of the room, he heard something drop to the floor.

"What's that?" He asked himself and turned back to see the source of the thud..

It was Lenny, she was passed out on the floor.

"Aw," He chuckled lightly. "You've had too much to drink haven't you?" He asked silently as he carried her body and put her on his bed to tuck her in.

When he was about to leave Lenny called out to him.

"Please don't leave me." Lenny said to Roy.

"Okay, I won't." He said and sat beside Lenny who sat up on the bed.

"Are you okay?" Roy asked

"Yeah I'm good, I think I just had too much to drink." She said in a carefree tone. "I passed out for a while anyway so I think I'm better now."

"That's amazing to hear." He said happily.

"You're so nice to me." Lenny said. "Thank you." She added in a small tone.

"Oh it's nothing, you're cool." He said, ruffing up her madly curly hair a little. This action caused Lenny to blush.

She moved closer to Roy. He felt so warm and inviting.

"Hmm." She said warmly as she put her head on Roy's shoulder.

Roy's body was tensed up as she lay on him. Her hair felt really soft and smelt like sweet honey.

"Calm down Roy, I can hear your heart beating from here." She giggled.

"That's a lie. I'm not nervous." He lied.

"So I have that effect on you." She said in a sultry tone. "That's good to know."

Lenny moved her head from his shoulder and placed her legs over his in a straddling position so that she was facing him directly. She smiled at him

"Lenny no." Roy whispered.

"No what?" Lenny replied still smiling sweetly. She gave him a light push such that he was now sprawled across the bed. She moved her hair away from her head and bent over him to whisper into his ears some words which he knew to be true.

Afterwards she moved her head from his ear, going back to her normal straddling position.

"So what do you say?" Lenny asked. Roy didn't answer, he looked like he was having an internal argument in his head.

"You're really cute. I'll take your silence as a yes." She said dangerously, jacking him up to face her. His mouth was parted slightly as he gulped a little. She was looking prettier than usual.

Lenny began kissing him deeply, all the love she was looking for was here all along. Roy was still stunned with what was going on. She smelt really good as she continued doing what she was doing with her mouth on his. Her hands going to places that he didn't expect them to go to. His brain felt like it was melting into putty, Roy didn't understand what was going on but it felt good.

"Lenny?" A voice questioned. Lenny was still feeling high in the moment that she didn't realise whose voice that was. She dared to turn back, which was an obvious mistake because her sister was standing there looking very much disgusted.

"What is wrong with you!" Her sister shouted madly.

"You!" She spat angrily to Roy, who she could still see clearly despite Lenny's poor job of covering him. "We're through." She said.

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