13 - anniversary

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"you don't spend any time with me anymore! you're too obsessed with your god damn youtube channel!" eveline yelled at me as i walked across the hallway into our bedroom. we were arguing, and on one of the worst possible days to have an argument: our anniversary.

"i have to work eveline! what do you expect me to do, slob around and expect my subscribers to go up? if i don't record, if i don't edit, if i don't upload, i get nowhere!" i entered the en suite and grabbed the hairbrush, vigorously brushing the knots out of it.

"i get that you have to make videos and upload, but you spend so much time editing your videos and thumbnails! you have an editor to do that stuff for you!" i turned around to face her, slamming the hair brush back down onto the side.

"robin has his own shit to do, he has his own channel and his own videos to edit, i'm not gonna dump all of my work onto him. i have to put in some effort, that's how it works." i stood in front of her and glared at her, hinting that i wanted her to move out of the way so that i could leave the room. she rolled her eyes and stepped aside, allowing me to walk out. i started to walk down the stairs and i heard her footsteps following me.

"what about when you're not working? what about when you're just sat on your computer scrolling through reddit and twitter? you'd rather do that then spend time with your own girlfriend?"

"it's called 'interacting with your fans'. if i don't interact with them, they get bored of me and they leave. if i don't interact with them, they see me as some hostile douchebag who only cares about the numbers when that's not even true." i looked around for my phone, eventually finding it on the breakfast bar in the kitchen.

"i don't work half as much as you." she mumbled, starting to give in.

"exactly! that's why your subs are going down and not up. that's why your channel is dying." that comment set her off again as she looked at me with eyes full of anger.

"what, so now you're better than me?!" i entered the living room once more, grabbing the car keys off of the coffee table.

"yeah actually, i am! i am better than you! try working your ass of as much as i do and then you can try and beat me!"

"you know...you're acting just like felix. a self obsessed, arrogant bastard!" i could have insulted her back. i could have screamed at her, walked out the door and left, but instead i just stayed silent and took a deep breath.

"it is our anniversary. i refuse to fight with you on our day. so we are going to drop this whole thing, go to the restaurant, and have a fucking good time. okay?" it took her a few seconds for her to give me any sort of response, but eventually she just sighed and nodded.

"thank you." i mumbled before grabbing my coat off of the hook and sliding on my shoes, eveline doing the same. i opened the front door and held it open for her, unlocking the car with a single click of a button. i shut the door and locked it before heading over to the car and climbing in the driver's seat. i shut the door and stuck the keys in the ignition, looking over to see eveline with her arms folded, staring out of the window beside her. i sighed and threw my head back before reaching my hand over to eveline and placing my hand on top of hers.

"i'm sorry." she didn't say anything back and snatched her hand away from mine. i sighed again and put my hands on the wheel, pressing my feet down on the pedal and putting the car into the correct gear to reverse off of the driveway.

this was going to be a fun anniversary dinner.

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