Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 35 // 𝐴𝑢𝑟𝑜𝑟𝑎 𝑡𝑜 𝑚𝑦 𝑃ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑝

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《I don't wanna live forever, 'cause I know I'll be living in vain,
And I don't wanna fit wherever;
I just wanna keep calling your name, until you come back home.

I don't wanna live forever - Zayn Malik, Taylor Swift》


Liam was driving the car, and I was sitting anxiously, having mixed feelings about why Grace was at the hospital. After what felt like the longest twenty minutes of my life, we finally reached the hospital. All the three of us headed inside the hospital, and for a second there, I felt terrible for dragging them with me.

"Hey, Liam, why don't you take my car and go home with Jake?" I tell him, to which he replied, "No, mate, I'm not leaving you here alone. And I think you'll need me."

"Don't worry about me, and just go back. I'll call you later. Please." I tell him.

"He's right, Bro, let's wait at my place. Anyways Dad and Mom aren't going to be home tonight." Jake says, keeping a hand on Liam's shoulder.

"Fine. But you call me when you need me. Okay?" Liam looks at me, still hesitant about leaving as I assure him with a firm nod and rush inside the hospital, running to the hospital receptionist. "Can you tell me if you admitted any Rachel Grace Williamson today morning?" I ask the receptionist as my heart skips a beat or two, nervous to hear her answer. She checks through the list of patients admitted on today's date and finally answers, "Yes, she was admitted this morning."

"Can you please tell me in which room?" My voice comes out as a desperate plea and she finally tells me, "Room number three zero four." I rush through the people, taking the elevator to the floor on which she is. I reach the floor in no time as I search around frantically for her room number that's when I spot Emily and Paul sitting on the benches outside.

Probably that's where her room is, I slowly walk towards them. I was nervous, happy, excited, scared too, all the way up here but now that I was here, it just felt weird to finally see them after these two long years.

At that moment, Emily looks up and gasps, "Luke."

"Hi," I smile at her, not knowing what to say.

"What're you doing here? Is everything okay?" She asks, getting up from her seat and I answer hurriedly, "Yeah, everything is fine. I was here to see Grace."

"How did you know we were here?" She asks as I slowly make my way towards her, now standing face to face.

"Maria, your housekeeper told us," I tell her.

"Us?" Emily asks as she looks behind my back.

"Yeah, actually Jake, Grace's friend told me about your place. He just left." I tell her, nervously fumbling with my fingers. She looks at me with a surprised expression and asks, "Jake? You know him?"

"No, not me. He is a cousin of one of my friends." I explain it to her. "Is Grace okay?" I finally ask and Emily gives me a faint smile, "Yeah, she's better now."

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