Part 29: Childish love

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Third person POV:
During the next 4 weeks, Y/N and Eret lead the people of Berk to build the new gates to Berk. Metal melting against metal, Dragons flying from land to the sea and actually not dropping a single piece of newly bent metal. As fast as the statues were built, the youngsters and the kids of Berk went ahead with cans of paint and started painting it. When they were done, Eret and Y/N and the riders went after them and fixed up the paint. And started a paint fight.
Of course Tuffnut started it and threw some paint on Snotlout. Then Snotlout aimed back at Tuffnut but hit Ruffnut and then everything went south from there.

Y/N walks into Eret's house and laughs as she tries to rub off the green paint on her forehead, but worsens it by spreading it into her hair.
-You look like a toad, Eret laughs and smears the red paint on his cheek down to his chin.
-Says you, shark week, Y/N laughs and Eret shoves her into the sofa. But before Eret could react, she dragged him with her.
-Ow Eret, you're crushing me! Y/N groans as she tries pushing him off. Eret pushes himself onto his hands so he's towering over her. Y/N begins smirking and eyes his biceps.
-Well, that's some meaty arms you got there, Y/N says and smears the green paint from her hand onto his bicep in a smeared hand print.
-And you have a cute button nose, Eret says and boops my nose leaving a red dot. Y/N giggles and smears greens paint in all of Eret's face. Eret laughs and tries to reach Y/N's face, but fails. They go on about this for a while before they just laugh. They're both just full on crying of laughter. And when they stop..... they look at each other's faces and smile.
-We look ridiculous, Y/N says and giggles. Eret chuckles and nods.
-Yeah we do, he says and helps her up. He lends her a cloth so they can was off all the paint. They dress off, leaving them in their under shirts and pants. It was cold so Eret started a fire to warm up the water in the kettle. When the water begun getting warmer, they dipped their cloths in there and started cleaning themselves off.
As Y/N rubs off the red dot on her nose she giggles to herself. Eret looks over at her.
-What're you laughing at? Eret asks and Y/N smiles secretly.
-You remember what you said that day at the blacksmith? Y/N asks.
-Hmm...? Oh yeah! Eret remembers and chuckles.
-Well, I forgot to tell you... Y/N drags out and dips her cloth into the water once again.  Eret stops cleaning his face and looks at Y/N curiously.
-I... feel the same... Y/N shyly says and wets her cheek.
-You make me feel like I'm 15 again... You make me laugh, you make me feel unstoppable and-and I feel so happy when I am with you!
Y/N says happily and scrubs her forehead. Eret smiles lightly.
-I forget that I have to clean up after Snotlout. I forget that I have to act tough and unafraid in front of you. I forget that I have to act a certain way.... you break down my walls Eret... Y/N says and she notices how Eret has moved closer to her. She smiles.
-You make me... really happy Eret, Y/N says and a tear escapes her eye. Eret smiles warmly and dries the tear. Y/N sniffles and giggles a bit.
-God, I'm so cheesy... Y/N says and Eret has her close.
-Yes, you are... Eret says.
-But I still love you, Eret says. Y/N smiles and hugs him.
-I love you too you big bear, she says. When they let go they notice that they smeared more paint over each other, and they laugh.
Y/N goes to the water again, to really get the paint off.
Eret chuckles as Y/N swats him on the cheek with some water.

When they're done, Y/N begins taking all her clothes and walking towards the door.
-Where are you going? Eret asks. Y/N turns around and smiles.
-Home... It's beginning to get dark, Y/N says and points outside. Eret smiles at her.
-Can't you stay...? Please? He asks, taking Y/N by shock.
-Eret, you know I can't... Y/N says sadly.
-Can't or don't want to? Eret asks. Y/N sighs.
-Eret, please... Y/N says, watching Eret sadly clean off the cloths. Eret smiles sadly at her before throwing them in a dirty laundry pile. Y/N sighs and drops all of her clothes, except her vest, on the sofa.
-Alright... but just for tonight, Y/N says and puts on her vest to stop her from freezing. Eret smiles and throws his vest to her. She looks confused at him.
-Mines bigger. It's gives you more... Eret starts and points at Y/N.
-Coverage, he finishes. Y/N scoffs and changes vests.
-You just pointed to all of me, Y/N says, before noticing how big the vest actually was, compared to her. Eret chuckles and hugs her to his chest.
-Yeah, I did, he says and she smacks him on his chest.

Eret walks Y/N up the stairs and smile.
-I haven't been up here since I built the bed, she smiles and touches the hand carved bed frame. Eret immediately lays down and sighs happily. Y/N only sits on the edge of the bed and stares out the big window on the roof, smiling. But suddenly, she feels a tug on her arm and Eret drags her towards him. He quickly puts his arms around her and he sighs even more happily. Y/N giggles and puts her arms around Eret too. Eret secretly peeks at
Y/N through half-closed eyelids, before they both snuggle up to each other and sleep peacefully. The moon shines in them all night, and not a thing could make this moment more perfect...

Eret, son of Eret x reader; Love always start in fight Where stories live. Discover now