Chapter Twenty Six

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It was past midnight when i rushed to the bathroom.

I vomited and my stomach was hurting really bad. After a while of throwing up Niall was by my side. He was patting my back and holding my hair.

I heard someone walk inside. It was Aby "Any are you ok? Im going to call mommy and daddy" she said.
I was about to tell her something when Niall came along "Hey Aby can you come and help me? Here hold her hair while i go get something"
Aby did as told and Niall headed out.

I calmed myself up but the pain wasnt going away.
I heard someone walk inside my room. They headed twords the bathroom and i found both my parents and Niall with their shoes and their pjs. Niall went over and carried me.

"What are you doing?" I asled as soon as i saw he didnt take me to my bed.

He didnt answer my question, he just walked straight outside and put me on the passanger seat.
I saw mom and dad go in their car with Aby.

"We need to get you checked up baby, were going to the hospital" Nia told me

We arrived at the emergency room and they took me in. Niall and my parents stayied at the waiting room.

The doctor came over and checked me. She said she needed me to take an ultrasound to see what it was.

The gel was really cold and calmed my pain a little.
I checked the screan to see what was going on but before i could see well the doctor interupted me.

"AnaMary when was the last time you sleept with your boyfriend?" The doctor asked me

"Well umm yesterday" i said

"Well you have to be more carefull sweety you dont want to hurt your baby"

"Wait what?"

"Your pregnant AnaMary"

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