Run Away Don

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Jeremias woke up alone, thinking of how it was time to find him someone that he could love as his best friend, Aiden, did.

Who not too long ago married his girlfriend of four years, the pair was inseparable. Sometimes he hates it, but their love made him want to find love.

He moved to California six years ago from Germany, expanding his business of weight loss supplement and his gyms.

California seemed like the best place to do it, plus he was running from his father, who was trying to make him The Don of his mafia.

He wanted nothing to do with it for as he cared his little brother or sister could take over, Jeremias didn't have for the interest in killing for a living although he still did

No matter how hard he tried to escape it, it also had a way of finding him the fucking shit was so damn frustrating

It is also how he met Aiden and Jaliyah well Aiden who had gotten himself mess up in some shit with his father's mafia.

The man called him asking him to take care of the fucking matter telling him to put a bullet in the man's head

Instead, he made a friend pissing his dad off by paying off his debt bring him into his business from there they became bestfriends

A year later he met Jaliyah who was always in his fucking ear about finding him someone and stop messing with hoes

She was right every girl that he messed with only wanted one or two things his money or his fucking dick

He was tired of it something needed to change, but he just had to wait for that day, he guessed, but at this time he had to get ready to start his day.

Jeremias finally rolled out of bed, walking into his bathroom to brush his teeth, shower, and trim his beard.

After that, he got ready for his day going downstairs to get his coffee and was about to fix himself some breakfast when Aiden called

"Bro, what are you doing right now?" He asked

"Well I was about to cook me some damn food before you rudely interrupted me" He said

Jeremias could hear Jaliyah laughing back they both knew he wasn't the best person in the morning before his coffee

Technically, it wasn't morning anymore he had a late-night with stupid bitch that thought he was going to pay her for sex

He made her suck his dick then left her in the hotel's floor as he left to come home to his bed he paid for nothing, especially sex

"Come catch lunch with me I have an idea about a new advertisement," Aiden said

"Alright, the diner on the beach?" He asked

"Sure, meet you there in about 30" He said

Jeremias hung up the phone, reaching for his keys on the door's side and then setting his alarm before leaving

25 minutes he was at the diner waiting for Aiden slow ass to show the motherfucker was always late but let him be late he would never hear the end of it

About 5 minutes later he showed up alone Jeremias was for sure Jaliyah was going to be right behind him

"You alone that's surprising" Jeremias said

"She had a doctor's appointment" He said

He nodded waiting for him to sit the two of them been trying to have a baby for the past year hopefully they got their wish today

Jeremias was ready to become an uncle to spoil the shit out of him or her sending them back two the of them so they could fuck cry

After Aiden sat, he started talking about ways to make their business better by offering a free month of gym membership

The same time a tall brown skin woman came running into the diner to the back she had to a waitress but beautiful

Five minutes later, she showed again going to the senator's table. Jeremias watch as the man tried to feel upon the girl

Then grabbing her by the arm and thigh pulling her to him saying something in her ear, first, he thought she was his fuck buddy but whatever he said didn't sit well with the girl

She pulled away saying something then wrote something down on her notepad leaving in a fucking hurry him being him sit there watching observing as he listens to Aiden talk

"Senator Williams doesn't know to keep his hands to himself I see" He said

"Mias, what the fuck are you talking about? Are you even listening to me?" Aiden asked

"I'm multitasking, I heard you bitch" He said

Aiden rolled his eyes as he continued to talk when the same girl made her appearance at their table with a small smile

"Hello, I'm Isabella, but you can call me Bella. I will be you, waitress, today. What can I start you off with?" She said

Damn she was more beautiful up close, and her body was fucking hot just looking at her was making his dick raise he had to snap out of it

"I will have a I'm not quite ready to order" Jeremias said

He had his order, but he also wanted her to come back to their table more than twice so that he could look at her again

"And you, sir?" She asked Aiden

"Green tea with four sugar package. I will have the bacon cheeseburger, with fries" Aiden said

She smiled again writing down his order nodding before walking off again to the back, having him watch her ass as she walked

"Damn, you're not even going to try to hide it, are you?" Aiden asked

"Hide what?" He asked back

"You were eye raping the poor girl" He said laughing

"Was not" He said

Aiden just shook his head, and went right back to talking about the advertisement as he waited for Bella to show up again

She did after she walked back up the senator with his food placing it down on the table with a frown on her face

He could tell she didn't like the man. It was almost like she hated him. Jeremias heard stories about him but never seen him do anything out the way, and the stories were never proven

Once again, he said something to her in a whisper, but it sounded like when you got off. With her saying something he didn't like again because he grabbed her by the arm pulling her to him

"HEY, LET ME THE FUCK GO!" She yelled

As everyone in the fucking diner turned to her yelling, Senator Williams had a strong grip on her arm. Pissing Jeremias off, so he went to stand but was stop by Aiden

"Mias, not a good idea" Aiden said

"He may be the fucking senator, but it doesn't give him the fucking right to put his hand on women who don't want him" Jeremias said

"You're right, but if you show out here, he will have the whole fucking police force on your ass. You know they have just been waiting for you to fuck up this isn't German bro" He said

He was right; the whole Malibu police force knew he was here. After he did that stupid ass mission, his dad talked him into they were waiting for him to fuck up

Jeremias did know something Bella was going to be his, and Senator Williams was going to leave her the fuck alone even if he had to kill his ass.

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