Chapter Eight

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Diagon Alley was crammed full of people as Narcissa and Cassiopeia weaved their way through the crowds. "We should have come earlier," Narcissa complained, "I hate how busy it is."

"We are nearly finished, so we'll be gone shortly!" Cassiopeia tried to remain optimistic, "If anyone steps on my foot again though, I'll be sent to Azkaban for hexing them!"

Narcissa turned to smile at her sister, "Let's hurry up then, I quite like having you around!"

"Only quite? I know you love me really, Cissy."

"Girls!" Their father shouted as he and their mother struggled to keep up with them, "Where are you going?"

Narcissa shouted back, "Flourish and Blotts, father."

They didn't wait for their father to responds, instead rushing ahead with the hope they would lose their parents in the crowd. "Are you nervous about your fifth year, Cissy?"

"A little bit, can you imagine what they'll say if I do terribly?" Narcissa's voice went quiet as she looked around, "I think I'm going to be okay though."

Cassiopeia smiled, "You'll be great, Cissy."

The two fell into a comfortable silence as they searched for all the books they needed.

Loud laughing from the middle of the shop caused Cassiopeia to place the book she was reading back on the shelf and turn to discover the cause of the commotion. Sirius Black had been reunited with his group of fools so the four were laughing with no care for anyone else in the vicinity. Cassiopeia's eyes narrowed at how obnoxious the Gryffindors were. Her heart dropped as she caught sight of her father striding over to the group. Immediately, she nudged her sister, and the two could only watch as the scene unfolded. 

"Sirius Black, why are you associating yourself with these boys," Her father bitterly told him, "You should know better than this!"

The four boys all turned to gape at her father and Cassiopeia was tempted to roll her eyes as she saw Potter puff his chest out - how could he possibly believe he was capable of intimidating her father? "Uncle Cygnus, these are my friends and -"

"You have chosen poorly, Sirius," Her father cut the boy off, "I would have hoped as a Black you would have befriended more suitable wizards."

Sirius looked like a hurt dog as he tried to remain strong against his uncle, "They are the best friends I have and will ever have."

"Don't make me laugh, boy," Cygnus Black's glare could make even the strongest cower, so the group of twelve year olds felt extremely vulnerable, "I shall be having words with your parents."

A rather jolly-looking man joined the group and stared at her father in disdain - upon looking between him and Potter, she realised he must be his father, "Cygnus, I think you've harassed these children enough, don't you?"

"That boy is my nephew, I have every right to remind him who is beneath him."

"He is perfectly capable of choosing his own friends, he doesn't need his uncle forcing his way in."

Cygnus Black leered towards the man, "Of course a blood-traitor like you would think that. My family is respected, we have a reputation to uphold."

"And what reputation is that?" Mr Potter raised an eyebrow. 

"Narcissa, Cassiopeia, come," Her father called as he pushed past the group and strode out of the shop. 

Cassiopeia followed after her sister but abruptly stopped in front of her cousin. She stared at Sirius and could see the pain he was trying to hide. She tried to find the words to apologise for her father's behaviour but none could be found. Instead, her throat became dry as she awkwardly remained in silence. 

A hand was placed on her shoulder and then her mother's cold voice could be heard, "Come Cassiopeia, we do not associate ourselves with blood-traitors. You should return to your family, Sirius." Cassiopeia lowered her eyes away from her cousin as she allowed herself to be pulled away by her mother. 

As soon as they joined Narcissa and her father, Cassiopeia could see how angry Cygnus was. He glared at anyone who dared to come near the family which was unfortunately quite a few people due to how busy the street was, "That boy needs to be punished. How dare he talk back to me. I will write to my sister and inform her of what took place today, he will be punished for his actions."

Cassiopeia walked beside Narcissa, as they followed their parents down to Gringotts Bank. "Sirius ought to be careful. He needs to stop showing off that he's different to us. The family won't like it," Narcissa whispered to her, "The only person he is hurting is himself."

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