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Taehyung's P.O.V.

From what I know, Yoongi had gone to Namjoon's house the next day to apologize. They both apologized. Namjoon shouldn't really have done what he did, but considering the circumstances, Yoongi overreacted. They were both at fault, but things were finally settled now. Yoongi had told me that some things seemed off with Namjoon, but I said it was probably due to the fact that they hadn't spoken in a while. He agreed, brushing it off. He also told me that they made plans for the three of us to go bowling this weekend.

At the moment, I was texting Jimin all about how Yoongi's and my date went the other day while laying on Yoongi's bed, listening to a playlist he made for me to cancel out the conversations he was having while gaming with online friends. I sighed and turned to him, taking out one of my airpods. "I like this one a lot."

He kept his eyes on the screen but paid attention to me nonetheless. "Which one baby?" he asked, thumbs still occupied with the controller in his hands. I looked over at my phone. "Goosebumps byyy.. Travis Scott." He smiled. "That's one of my favorite songs to play before a game. It gets me in a really good mindset that just makes me want to win, ya know? It's one of those songs that gives you a rush of adrenaline and an urge to conquer." He said the last part through gritted teeth, grip tightening on his controller before putting it down and laughing into his mic. Hot. "Well, another win for us, guys. I'll hit you up when I'm on again."

He took his headset off, walking over to me and leaning down, running a hand through my hair as I kept my eyes fixated on his. "So, you like the playlist so far?" I nodded. "Good." He climbed in bed and sat up, leaning back against the bed frame, continuing to play with my hair. I leaned into the touch and closed my eyes, enjoying his presence.

"Hyung?" "Yeah?" "Um..." I averted my gaze to my his free hand, picking it up and playing with his lengthy fingers anxiously. "I, uh.. I've been thinking about it a lot. I.. I just want to know kind of like.. what to expect for our first time..." "Oh, well y'know, I was thinking we'd suspend you from the ceiling and give you a gag as well as trying some kinda watersports or something." I blinked at him, eyes opening wide, having no idea what to say.

A low chuckle erupted from his chest. "Tae, I'm fucking with you! We're not gonna add any shit to our first time. I'm not saying it has to be all vanilla, but we'll ease into all of that stuff at our own pace." I let out a big breath of relief, not even realizing I was holding it in.

"So, how did your first time go?" He blew some air out of his cheeks and looked down at me. "I was pretty fucking awkward." "Wait, what?" Yoongi- Min Yoongi, the fucking 'daddy dom' of all my wet dreams, being sexually awkward?????? "Yes, Tae. I was awkward. No matter how much you know about sex, it can't ever prepare you for your first time. Yes, general knowledge helps a lot, but being into a wider variety of things doesn't mean you have any actual experience with them. Also.. I don't think Hoseok was the right person to have my first time with."

"Why is that?" "He's not you." Aaaaand, there's the blush. Of course, now I can't ever get flustered or embarrassed without Yoongi squeezing me, booping my nose, or pinching my cheek while he gushes over how adorable he finds it. At least one of us gets to enjoy my awkwardness, I guess. "Listen, Tae. I'm not expecting you to have some kind of mind-blowing sex experience just because you're into the same stuff as I am." Well, that was a relief. "For me, it's already going to be amazing because it's you. But, being good at sex comes with experience.. I have enough experience to be confident about my game in bed, but practically none in bdsm or any shit like that. It'll be a learning experience for the both of us, and we're only going to do things within our limits. That's a different discussion for another time, though."

God, how could someone be so perfect and so understanding and just... dear LORD. I'm really the luckiest guy ever, aren't I? "Why the fuck didn't I just come to you when I was first feeling anxious about this?" I asked with a sigh. "I've been worrying about this for almost a whole week and I already feel so much better about it," I explained. "Taehyungie.. you can come to me to talk about anything. Why didn't you?" he asked, caressing my cheek softly.

I pouted, looking up at him. "I dunno.. a couple's first time having sex doesn't seem like a topic that's like.. discussed. It seems like something that's just obvious. Like, I should just know what to do and be fine with it." He laughed a bit and leaned down, placing a soft, quick kiss on my lips. "Silly, I don't care how obvious something may seem. If you're going to waste your time getting anxious because of it, please just come to me."

"I will next time. 'M sorry, Hyung," I huffed and snuggled closer to him. "Don't be sorry, baby. Just promise that you won't hold back things you're worried about from me." He held out his pinky for mine to link with. God, he could be so adorable sometimes. I linked mine with his and smiled. "Promise," I responded. He smiled back and leaned down, connecting his lips with mine once again, for a longer amount of time than before.

He shifted down from his spot, now level with me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned more into the kiss. His hands started to caress my sides gently, and he guided me onto his lap to straddle him.

For a second I thought it was actually going somewhere, until Jimin barged in with a, "Fucking hell, if you're going to be making children in here, AT LEAST lock the motherfucking door or put a sign up. I don't care which, but do SOMETHING! Do you two have any courtesy for the other people living here?" He slammed the door and stomped down the hall.

"He says that as if he and Jungkook aren't attached to each other, vacuum suctioning each other's tongues out every day in the living room," Yoongi scoffed. I giggled and rolled off of him. "At least we're in a bedroom. He can learn to knock," I said with a laugh, and Yoongi joined.

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