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(Aurellia's outfit above ⤴)


GIVING A FINAL glance at my appearance in the mirror, I exited my room.


Jesus! This man hadn't learned what patience is in schools. I tried to walk as fast as I could in those three inches high golden sandals. My body was wrapped in a wine-colored silk dress that reached just two inches past my butt. And my hair fell in loose waves.

I stepped out of the elevator and he honked the horn again. I deliberately walked slower. As I neared the black SUV on the other side of the road, the car door opened. He was already inside, not even bothering to come out. Talk about chivalry!

I carefully seated inside, trying not to hit my head.

"My choice is good." His voice came out husky.

I looked over to his clothes which consisted of a white V neck shirt, a brown leather jacket, and a pair of black jeans. Nothing extraordinary yet he made it look stylish and sexy.

"What do you mean? The dress that you chose for me, whom you chose to marry?" I smirked, raising an eyebrow.

He just smirked back. I got my answer.

We were both similar in many aspects, I found. Confident, hardworking, ambitious, stubborn, opinionated, proficient, and maybe even more which is yet to be discovered. And at the same time, we were opposite to each other as well.

The way he wanted to live his life to the fullest. And the way I evaluated and the way I deduced that we all would die one day, so why to spend energy uselessly.

The way he could go to any extent to pursue to serve all his conceited demands, which included money. And the same way how even I can cross any limits just got the NGO.

The way he had so many people, friends, and family to take care of him. And I had no one but myself.

"If you are done with brooding and do not wish to spend your night in the car with your lovely clothes on, then for your kind information, we are here." I heard his voice suddenly which made me pull out of my reverie.

Glaring at him, I got out. Idiot.

Cole invited us all to celebrate the bachelor's party at his private bar. Perks of marrying a millionaire!

I rested my hand on the rough paintwork that coated the door and pushed. The hinges squeaked as if warning me, but their plea was silenced by the blazing music inside. Conversations swirled in the dirty cloud of smoke, a stagnant stench of cigarettes occupied the room. A sharp smell of liquor wafted towards me and chased its way up my nostrils.

Blake, being his normal conceited brat was between two busty strippers on the massive red leather couch. One sucked his neck and he kissed the one on the other side. Hands all over. Gross.

As if sensing us enter, he got rid of those two women and stood up. Blake and Theodore did their bro-hug thing and I stood behind him.

At my sight, he gave me a wide grin and was about to step forward when I interrupted extending my hand to stop, "Stay there."

I took a step back. "Hello Blake, all good? Please stay where you are and kindly enough don't spread the STDs to me." I spoke in a fake sweet tone, smiling throughout without any cause.

"Oh babe, don't you know that the air around me is concentrated in varieties of STD's." They both chuckled at my lack of retorment.

I felt two hands on my throat, pulling me. My throat constricted and I brawled to free myself from the clutches of the criminal. A second later the grip loosened and I exhaled dramatically and coughed to make it look serious. Jesus!

TAINTED LOVE (Racer×CEO)Where stories live. Discover now