Letter #1

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Dear Swift,

I just back from NYU yesterday, trying my luck again but I never saw you, not even a glimpse of you. So I am writing this letter and I am not even sure if it will reach you.

It's been over a month since you left and I am completely losing my mind. I've drove to Jersey trying to find your dad's place but was no luck. And I don't know where to look anymore.

Your mom stopped opening the door for me and I sat on your porch for days but she never once looked at me.

What I did was awful, and no amount of sorry can ever make that right, but I don't regret any of it. That fucking bet was my way of knowing you and if I had to I will do it again, if that what it takes to be with you.

Where are you? I am worried. Are you okay? Is your foot healed? How about your rib?

I know I've hurt you and I will take all you anger, just come back to me. Please. Come home.

I love you Swift. So much. Please come home.




I'm really sorry for the cliffhanger from the previous chapter but I decided to show you what was on Harry's letters. So my next few uploads are all about the letters. Some may be short but I feel like it's too good to skip.

Anyway, I am really overwhelmed by your support.

Love you guys

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