Episode 4-9: Flying Magic Carpet Ride!

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Meanwhile at the vault, Grim is freaked out by the sudden appearance of the magic carpet while he was forging some riches.

"That carpet is moving on its own! Is it some kind of possessed carpet!?" Grim shrieks. Soon Kalim and Glory scampers to where Grim yelps and spotted the flying carpet.

"Aah! You've found it!" Glory chirps smiling in relief.

"Oh, so that's where you were." Kalim said as he and Glory saunter to the flying carpet where he pats the carpet gently.

"Why do you never stay rolled up where you're suppose to?" Kalim ask curiously as it bounce happily. Unexpectedly, the flying carpet float towards Glory as it caught her off guard when it wraps itself around her and nuzzles her cheeks.

"Whoa! Hahaha! Jeez, that tickles!" Glory yelps giggling at the affectionate carpet making Kalim chuckle.

"Ahaha! Seems like it likes you!" Kalim remarks.

"Hehehe. Well, you're not wrong there." Glory agrees while giggling from the lovable flying carpet cuddling against her cheek.

"What the hell is that thing!?" Grim shrieks.

"This is a legendary treasure from the Land of Hot Sands, the magic carpet!" Kalim informs.

"Wow! I'd seen this from a movie, but this is the first time I've seen one!" Glory chirps while giggling from the affectionate flying carpet with Kalim chuckling at her.

"Yup. This guy is a replica of the flying carpet once used by the sultan that the sorcerer of the sand served. It's been in my family for generations." Kalim explains making the carpet nod while cuddling Glory.

"Flying...So can you ride this like a broom?" Grim ask curiously and he firmly nods.

"Yup. You'll get it faster if we go for a ride. The sun is almost down so we can enjoy the sights under the night sky! So hurry, get on get on!" Kalim insists as the carpet floats off of Glory and lays flat for the trio where Kalim hops on to the carpet.

"Come on, don't be shy! It'll be fun!" He encourages them with a perky smile.

"Eeh? We're not gonna fall?" Grim ask skeptically with Glory silently gulping when suggesting to fly on the carpet.

"Yeah I'm nervous of how it works, but I'm kinda of curious about it as well." Glory mutters feeling nervous yet excited about riding a flying carpet, but Kalim extend his hand to her.

"You'll be fine, trust me." He reassures her with a bright and sweet smile. Glory blink and tilts her head a little.

I never ride a flying carpet before, but...with Kalim I'll be fine. Hell, I always wonder about what it's like to fly in a magic carpet.

Glory thought as she crept a small smile and glance back at Kalim with light nod.

"Alright." She replies as Glory hops on to the carpet sitting behind Kalim.

"Just hang on tight, Glory-chan." He reassures her once more and she nods and wraps her arms around Kalim. Then he turns to the entrance and grabs the top of the carpet.

"And we're off!!" He cheers as Kalim whips the carpet and they all swoop upwards with Grim and Glory shrieked. As soon as they flight from the dorm, Kalim spins his head to Glory.

"Heheh. You can open your eyes now." Kalim assures her and she slowly opens one eye before widen her eyes to find themselves soaring through the night sky.

"Whoooaaaa!!! We're really flying! I really shouldn't look down! This dorm is already tiny!" Grim shrills while clinging on to her shoulder.

"Amazing...." Glory mutters awed by the beauty of the night sky where she stares at the full moon.

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