Episode 4-10: The Feast

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Meanwhile at Avalon, Merlin was floating his way to the cemetery until he paused when he felt a glow from his crystal ball.

"Oh? What's this I felt?" He mutters as he pulls out his crystal ball and rubs it against the glass to see a vision of Iman explaining his relationship between Kalim and Jamil to Vivien and the Corona gang.

"My my, seems like a troubling situation...." Merlin mutters. Soon he rubs the crystal ball once more to see Glory strolling with Grim and Kalim in the halls.

"Aah Sundrop and her friends are back from the carpet ride. Dawww how romantic?" Merlin gushes but quickly clears his throat and puts his crystal ball away.

"No time for shipping corner Merlin, you have a late friend to visit. Pull yourself together." Merlin mumbles as he continues on to his journey.

Be strong my luminous sundrop. Bring Jamil back to the light.

He ponders with hope filled with his eyes while floating his way to the cemetery.


Back in Scarabia, Glory and Grim were strolling with Kalim after coming back from a flying carpet trip a minute ago.

"Peeeewwww!! That was a blast!" Grim cheers while clinging on to her shoulder.

"I'm glad you had fun, especially you Glory. You look like you were having a great time out there!" Kalim chirps making her giggle.

"Well I have to admit, it was a pretty sweet carpet ride. Turns out it's not that bad after all." Glory expresses with a sheepish smile.

"Right? It's super fun! Welp, it's already dinner time." Kalim stated. Soon footsteps are heard and they all turn to see Jamil sauntering towards them.

"Kalim! You're finally back. Could you come with me, there's something I want you to check before dinner." Jamil informs.

"Yeah, sure. You guys can go ahead to the lounge." Kalim insists.

"Alright. Thanks Kalim." Glory thanked him.

"And just to remind you, you also have new guests from your dorm, Glo-san." Jamil informs surprising the ravenette and the grey gremlin.

"No way..." Glory utters.

"Don't tell me..." Grim mutters.

Later at the Scarabia lounge....

"Guys! What the hell are you doing here!?" Glory bellows with a scowl.

"Yeah! You're not supposed to be here!" Grim chides while clinging on to her shoulder with a glare.

"Um yeah about that. Your future vision lady friend here told us about where you guys were and we all run over here."

"More like, YOU stomping your way to the Scarabia where you ignored my warning and confront them with brute force without thinking; which DOESN'T make you a fool at ALL." Vivien sarcastically snarks with a blank look causing Eugene to glance at her and roll his eyes at her before turning back to Glory.

"But now we knew, so we are now pretty much dragged into the situation." Eugene casually explains.

"Which you guys shouldn't!" Cassandra seethes glaring at Eugene.

"Sorry Cass! We didn't know, but now we're here, I'm willing to do everything I can to help out!" Rapunzel beams with Pascal cracks his tiny knuckles with a determined look.

"My apologies for the inconvenience, Moonchild. I tried to reassure both of them, but Fitzherbert ended up stomping his way to the Scarabia dormitory with his wife and I trailing after him. And since we're here, we're going to work together to thwart Snake child's plans." Vivien explains. Glory has no comment on that except with the exasperated look on her face as she shut her eyelids taking a deep breath from her nose and exhale out refraining herself from face palming as she opens her eyes.

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