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Walker's hand tightened slightly, and William had already been pursued her, and at that time, she was still Tony's wife. "I don't have any willfulness. Everything is Bella to force me. You must dismiss her, or we'll end the relationship." Toni continued, and the lady's temper was clear.

Walker couldn't help but subconsciously look William. He saw the sarcasm flashing in his eyes. "Toni, it's not your job to decide what to do. I know what kind of a person I want to be, and you can't slander her," Walker's tone sounded serious.

But Toni had completely hated Bella. When he said so, his anger had risen a lot. "You're not my brother, you actually helped Bella to bully me!" Walker still wanted to say something, but he was angrily hung up by Toni. Seeing William's gloomy face, he was especially angry.

Did not think that he didn't know what William meant. He wanted to use his hand to convince Toni not to hurt Bella. But why did his Toni hurt Bella, not because of this man? It was because of this man's enchantment that she did what she wanted. Although she was a little capricious before Toni, she was not like her now. 

"Mr. William, although you've done something wrong to Toni, as long as you don't close to Bella, Bella will not be hurt." Walker put away the phone and said coldly.  "So, I would like to invite you to go further in the future. Apart from people like you, there will be other women around you, and Bella needs a stable environment and a man who loves her wholeheartedly." Very seriously.

William sat on the sofa, his eyes dark like the ocean. He could not see the emotions in him, but he exuded a powerful momentum. However, Walker did not back down. He stared straight into the eyes of William and said one word at a time, "Please also ask William not to say that Bella is yours." 

Walker then turned around and wanted to see what happened to Bella, but he was stopped by William. "No, she's all mine sooner or later. Chairman walker, I'm robbing you, you're not qualified!" Then,  he knocked off Walker and walked towards Bella's desired room.

Walker was stunned in the same place. The threat of William was not fake. The power of the Steiner's in the country was indeed greater than that the Miller's. However, let him give up Bella? He couldn't do it! 

As he saw that William had entered Bella's room, he had taken a step forward. Bella sleeps in a daze for a while. Hearing the voices from outside, she knew that it was William and Walker, who were talking, but she did not know what they were saying. She opened her eyes when she heard someone came in.

William asked uneasily, "Bella, how is it?" Bella feel that a large cool hand fell on her forehead. Her enthusiasm had already diminished, but it was still a little hot. When she saw the voice from William's worry, she smiled. "I'm fine, sneeze, sneeze, sneeze." 

The heat subsided, but the cold was inevitable. Bella rubs his sore nose, and a sneezing tear came out. 'It's almost gone, but you've got a cold. You still need a good rest." William relieved, but fortunately, the antipyretic had an effect.

"You don't have to go to the hospital now." Bella feels better and joked. "Yes, I don't have to go to the hospital anymore, but I have to watch you rest well so that you don't run around!" William sat down by the bed, pulled up his palms, and pampered him. 

Walker finally walked towards the room. He did not want to give up. He did not want to give up Bella even if he was fighting with William. I could not help but stop. He wasn't afraid to rob anyone, but he was afraid that Bella was already in William.

He really wanted to ask her if he already belonged to him, but at the moment, he seemed to have lost his courage. At this very moment, the company called to say that something was wrong. Let him go immediately. Walker finally looked at Bella and turned to walk outside.

There was a black smile on the corner of William's mouth. No one could take away Bella from his side. "Hmm, did you leave?" Bella suddenly remembered that Walker was still there,  and couldn't help but look outside. 

"He has something to deal with, so he's leaving," William said without any guilt. Of curve, Walker left because he had sent a message to his security when he and Walker had just gone out. His guard did not disappoint him.

But he wouldn't tell Bella. All she had to know was that he had been guarding her. Walker returned to the company to deal with the problem, but his heart still couldn't calm down, or he did not trust Bella and wanted to find her. 

But when he thought of the powerful and fierce man who had already been with her by William, he had stopped and had dismissed his mind. He still had more important things to do. Toni was a little over Bella. Whether it was for Toni or Bella, he could not ignore it. He immediately got up and wanted to talk to her.

 Toni was drinking alone at home, and even Victoria could not help her. She thought of William's indifference to her, and her mouth was full of bitterness. "Why? Why can't you like me?" She couldn't figure out why she couldn't compare to Bella.

When Walker came over, she saw that she was sad. She had originally come with anger, but now he was a little more sympathetic. "I've told you that you won't be with you for William. It's your own enthusiasm that you can use your enthusiasm to take Mrs. Steiner's seat."

Toni looked up, her eyes full of anger. "Why do you say that? It there's no Bella intentions, William would have already accepted me." Toni said to herself, to prove that her statement was correct, she explained. Even since Bella has lived in the Villas to the name of work, William's attitude toward her has changed. Could it not explain the problem?

Mr. Steiner, A Charming ManWhere stories live. Discover now