Chapter 19

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Logan was shocked after my little announcement, but he quickly composed himself and agreed, planning to send out the letters tomorrow morning.

He had asked me to watch a movie with him, but I wasn't in the best frame of mind, so I excused myself to bed. He allowed me to sleep in the main bedroom whilst he slept in the spare room on an air mattress; I felt bad, but he insisted. 

"Morning," said Logan, smiling at me as I groggily made my way down the stairs, dressed in a set of Heather's pink stripey pyjamas.

"Hi," I yawned, pulling my messy hair into a quick bun on the top of my head.

Logan laughed, shaking his head. "So, I need to rush out to organise sending out the letters. I called some of the packs last night to let them know, just to get the word out faster, but I still need to make a few more."

"Okay," I mumbled, taking a seat on one of the kitchen bar stools, avoiding eye contact with my mate, not wanting him to see right through me.

"I'm going to tell everyone that another Whipping will take place a week from now, in the same location as the last one. I know this is hard for you, but this is going to work Eliza. It will keep you and the pack safe. You'll stay here whilst the event is happening," said Logan, offering me a sad smile.

My eyes widened, but I quickly composed myself, shaking my head. "Why do you have to lock me away?"

"I can't risk you feeling all guilty and volunteering for you pack."

I shook my head, sighing. "Logan, I'm not going to volunteer, I promise," I whispered, trying to come across as convincing as possible.

Logan smirked, shaking his head at me. "Hmm, I don't believe you."

"Do you really think I could go through that again Logan? I seriously think I would die. If this is what is going to keep the pack safe, then fine, just do it, but I would like to watch now that I've given you permission to go forward with the plan."

Logan raised his eyebrows at me, muttering to himself and running his hands through his hair. "We'll talk about it."

I nodded, dropping my gaze, swallowing harshly, not wanting to push it today and seem overly keen, in case I gave myself away.

"I've made you some breakfast," said Logan as he passed me a plate of eggs and toast. "I'll be at my house; you can either stay here for a while and I'll come back after I'm done, or you can come to mine after you've finished your breakfast."

"Thank you. I'll probably stay here for a bit and then come over to yours after if that's okay?" I asked, taking a bite of the toast.

Logan nodded. "Yeah, that's fine. Do you remember your way there?"

"Yeah," I said as Logan made his way to the door, giving me one last smile before exiting.

I continued to eat, shovelling it in now I knew no one was watching. I embraced the sound of silence, quite enjoying the tranquillity.

However, it wasn't long before my thoughts were brought back to the Whipping and what I had decided to do.

I only hoped that Logan allowed me to come, but I was starting to doubt it, and was worried the event would go ahead whilst I was locked away.

I wouldn't allow my own pack to go through it, I wouldn't be able to live with the guilt. I knew nobody would volunteer; we weren't that type of pack, meaning somebody would get chosen at random because of me if Logan didn't allow me to go.

I knew what I was going to do, but I knew Logan couldn't find out. He would stop me. He wouldn't allow me to come to the event if he knew what I was planning on doing.

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