[ Chapter 3 - A Welcoming Fight ]

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"There is a welcoming party for the 3rd years at the Ballroom tonight, you in?" 

It is the first official day for everyone which means that there were going to be two major things happening today. First would be the sorting of the first years and second, would be the welcoming party of the 3rd years. 

The welcoming party for the third year is an annual event, a lot of second-year students look forward to it. This party is held to help the third years socialize with one another since classes would be mixed houses starting 3rd year. It also helps lessen the tension between the houses - if that is actually even possible. 

"I'm not sure," I answered Anne. "I still have a few more things I have to do for tomorrow's initiation."

Right,  since today was the sorting of the first years, tomorrow was going to be their initiation. 

Anne groaned at my reason, "But we already double checked everything." 

She was right, everything was all set for tomorrow. I just didn't want to attend such a useless party. I would bet a million, a fight would start during the party and I really was not in the mood to see such a thing occur. 

"You have to go you know,"  Tony was sitting on my bean bag. "If a fight occurs between our house and another it would be best if you are there to answer for them or, even better, prevent it."

I groaned, Tony was right. The thought had already occurred to me, I was just being lazy.  

"I just don't wanna see that asshole," I sighed when I thought of Ace being there.

Anne looked at me cheekily, "You know they say that the more you hate, the more you love right?" 

I rolled my eyes and pretended to vomit, the thought of Ace and me together truly made my stomach churn. Disgusting.

"Our President would never fall for such a guy," Tony sided with me. 

I smiled, at least he was being rational.

Anne laughed a little, "You know the two of you are so smart but when it comes to love, you two are so darn stupid." 

Tony and I stared at her with a smirk as Anne laughed again. She was so entertained by us. 

The party was going to start in about two hours. It was going to be a formal party so my best choice of outfit was a dress. I sighed before I stood up from my bed and walked towards my cabinet. I began to scan what I could wear for tonight. 

I already had a dress in mind but I thought another might change it, nothing did. 

After a while, the other two headed back to their own room, they were probably going to prepare for the party already. I continued to lie on my bed but a little while later, I began to prepare as well. 

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