Chapter 15

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The maid who led us to the rooms bowed then left and we were left in one of the rooms. We closed the door and just sat down.

Ilri: Master what happened?

Gob: Nothing much. Luckily we have two more allies against the humans.

Wenly: Master, you managed to form an alliance with the werewolves?

Gob: Yes... but I don't really get their laws.

We heard knocks on the door.

Gob: Come in.

The door opened and Drasika walked in. She bowled as she entered.

Drasika: Thank you for saving me, Master.

Gob: Don't mention it. But I still don't get why you are not allowed to call me by my name.

System: Master, I believe we have already told you.

Gob: Yeah I know... but it still feels weird.

Drasika: Master, what are your plans with me? What will I have to do to you?

Gob: I have none. I have a different point of view about slavery then the people in this world. You are not my slaves but my friends.

Drasika: Master you are a strange human.

Gob: Yes I know.

System: Master you seem troubled.

Gob: I have a strange feeling but I don't know why. Like something is about to happen.

Wenly: Master, you must be tired. You have been working really hard for the past days. You need to rest.

Gob: You might be right. I guess I will sleep.

I walked to the nearest bed and I lied down. Soon I fell asleep. I had a strange dream.


I found myself in my old world but it was a past version of it. Like I was in the time of WW2. As I walked the streets I saw dead soldiers and exploded houses.

???: HAHAHAHA!!!

Gob: Who's there?

I turned around and found myself in a new area. It was a field with hundreds of dead people. Suddenly the weather became rainy. I was walking in the rain and was looking at the corpses. Despite the fact that it looked like a theatre of WW2 I couldn't see any German soldier on the ground.

???: Did you notice?

I turned around yet again and now I found myself on top of a building. I looked down and saw the march of the German troops but something wasn't right. Every soldier had fatal wounds on them yet they were walking. I jumped down and walked closer. As I landed I created a large noise but no one noticed me. It was like I wasn't really there. I looked back at the soldiers and their eyes were had a green glow.

Gob: What is going on? What a nightmare.

???: Hah You really think this is just a dream.

Gob: Wait. I know that voice. I have talked to you when I fought with Jesus.

???: It seems your memory is good.

Gob. What do you want with me?

???: You will know when the time comes.

Gob: WAIT!

I found myself in the room again. I was sweating and was breathing heavily. I looked around and I saw as everyone in the room looked worriedly at me.

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