No mistakes

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I kicked my feet up on the bed, snuggling myself deeper into the cozy blankets. I could just melt in this bed and vanish forever. Edwin walked towards me with a small cup "I made us a milkshake" he danced a little "perfect" I smiled as I reached for it "thank you."

Although I was bummed about August not joining us but I was still extremely thankful that Edwin invited me. The cabin was amazing, it was filled with snacks and food, the beds are so cozy and the tv is so huge and just amazing as well. Even the outside was breathtaking, cabins of course spread around the place but there a lake that was two cabins down from us and something about us drinking tonight will have people skinny dipping in it just all makes sense.

And of course there was this big dining room, just huge and many people can go in there and hang out but Edwin and I already know there's going to be parties.

"I love it" I held my cup up "I don't ever wanna go back to college but just get lost here" "cheers to that" Edwin held his cup up.

"I think we should walk around and enjoy the place" I sipped on my drink "would a small hike would be okay? Or should we do that tomorrow?" "Both" We both nodded our heads.

Edwin turned towards me as he slipped on cup for a very long time "off question, it's very random" "yes? I turned "do you like August?" He asked as my brows immediately furrowed up "no" I bluntly replied.

"Well I approve him" he grinned, I raised a brow "well I don't like him" "he's very nice, very good for you. Has the best diet well it's decent, he's smart, loves to walk. Just the best" "do you have crush on him?" I jokingly asked "you're an idiot" he just replied as both chuckled.

After relaxing for quiet bit, we got ourselves ready finally deciding the hike would be so much better tomorrow and we'll just check up the party they had going on.

We both walked down the pathway, down to the big dining room. People stood and talked outside calmly. Everything seemed to be under control which felt pretty nice because the view of someone being pass out in the lawn just wasn't the best.

But before we could even get any more near the doors, Elliott stepped out with a beer in his hand walking out. And of course his eyes immediately landed on me, which was pretty insane but I stopped on my tracks.

Here we go.. him with his stupid mix signals. Having him give me so much ideas about us only have to them crash down again and I was so tired of it, that I think I'm even tired of him as well.

He quickly rushed towards the both us as Edwin stepped in front of me shaking his head "no" he crossed his arms.

"No?" Elliott confusingly repeated "what you did to lucas was pretty fucked up" Edwin quickly snapped "and you should be ashamed of yourself" "it was never my intention on hurting-" Edwin cut him off "we both came here to have a good time, I wanted to lucas to finally breathe and relax and take a good and long break from you" he angrily shake his fist.

"Can I atleast talk with lucas and let me explain?" He protested, his eyes of course sadden and I chewed on my lip.

"Can you stop" I finally spoke out "what am I to you? A fucking game" I stepped in front of Edwin. As I started to softly laugh "sometimes I don't even understand you Elliott, you treat me like a friend and then there's days were you treat me more just a friend and you give me this false hope of us actually becoming something and I don't understand you!" I yelled.

"Lucas, have you seen the text I been sending you?"he tilted his head, I groan as I wiped my face with my hands "what can't you just tell me what you feel, you're just making this hard for me.."

"Lucas, I broke up with Kaz!" He yelled in frustration, my eyes widen and I felt so tiny. Everything just seemed so off and those words leaving Elliott mouth were hard to process. I could never imagine them leaving him.

There was a long pause in the air, before I cleared my throat "that's not right.." I shake my head "I literally heard you saying that she meant the world to you and the baby as well.." I played with my fingers, I glanced towards Edwin who shrugged "do you guys wanna talk alone?" He asked me as I shook my head but Elliott did the complete opposite, Edwin stared at me not knowing what to do "so.." he trailed.

I let out a huge huff as I glanced at them both back and forth, I couldn't believe myself. I was actually debating if I should talk to him or not, and get some bullshit closure from him. But I thought a little bit to myself that maybe this is what I needed.

I embarssley nodded my head, Edwin put his hand on my  shoulder giving me a light shake and warm smile "I'll be in our cabin, probably stuffing myself with grapes" he chuckled "i'll be there in a minute" i smiled.

Elliott had stuffed his hands in his pockets, we both watched Edwin walk away and as soon he was far enough we both glanced at each other "I never wanted to hurt you" he sighed "and I don't blame you being fed up my shit but I did like you" he sighed "i think I love you" he muttered.

I crossed my arms chewing on the inside of my cheek "if only you knew.." I scoffed "do you remember that one night where we laid around and just talked and I said how much you meant me" he smiled I gave him the slight nod.

"I still think about it" "I don't believe you" my shoulders slumped "how can you say that?" i loudly said "I heard you saying to Kaz that she had your whole heart, and you said the exact thing to me so explain yourself" i tapped my feet, elliott swallowed "but to you I meant it" I rolled my eyes to his response "unbelievable" i muttered.

"I broke up with kaz" he repeated, I ran my hands through my hair "i don't believe you" "why dont you-' I cut him off shaking my head "look, you gave me the best memories and you made me feel so type of way, and I want to thank you for that-" i took a deep breath "and i'll always love you like you like it's the beginning" i could barely even speak "but I hate you so much, I have so much anger towards you, because I have never been so broken before.."

"Lucas" he stepped towards me as I stepped back "look if this your way on trying to become friends with me again, I can't do that" i rubbed the back of my neck "i can't just pretend i'm not hurting around you" I finally said I clasped my hands together "and that is all I have to say" I swallowed, Elliott stared at me as he bit on his lip his eyes were shining what i'm assuming that he had watery eyes.

He hesitated on reaching his hand towards me "please" he rubbed my eyes "can we start over again?' he asked, I wasn't even sure what to do before I could fully ask myself the question again. I already started to shake my head.

"There's so many unsaid words"he added "I just don't want to get attach again, i don't wanna go through that again" "I promise you, It won't be like last time" he stared at me "I meant it when I said I wanted you to be with me and we could just figure the details out later.." "I came with Edwin on the trip, I have to go" I waved.

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