35: mine

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      Whenever Jungkook went out from their room, from the stair he could see Jungna and Ippi were playing on the couch. She threw the ball away and Ippi ran for it then he came back with the ball in his mouth, gave it again to Jungna so she could repeat the same thing again.

      Don't worry about the ball knocked down the items around them or what because it just stuff soft ball and Jungna didn't even threw it so hard  able to break a window.

      "Did papa missed something?" Jungkook's sweet voice took the two attention. Jungna lit up a smile on her face but she remained to back facing him. "Looks!Papa's here." Jungna chimmed as she took Ippi's head and snuggled with hers. Ippi happily barking and in instant licked Jungna's face. Then, he turned towards Jungkook's direction as he approached them. Jungkook took a seat beside Jungna on the couch, pulled her towards him by her waist.

     He kissed her on forehead but there was one thing bothered him, the pup had his eyes sharply stared at him. If Ippi had brows, Jungkook could imagine he furrowed his brows at him.

      "What papa do wrong?" Jungkook's sudden question made Jungna turned out confusion. "Why's that?" Jungna asked him with her body leaned against him.

      "Ippi is frowning at me." He uttered that made Jungna chuckled. She reached out her hand to get a hold of Ippi and now the golden changed 360 degree to the happy and cheery pup again. "Papa said you're frowning at him. Are you Ippi?" She caressed his head. Ippi let out a line of woo woo.

     "I'm not. Papa is lying." Then sending glare to Jungkook. Jungkook knew his eyes not mistaken.

      "Mama knows right, you are not doing that." She kissed him on his head as Ippi straddled her laps and resting there. "Who's mama good boy?" She continued babying him which Ippi happily barking again.

      Jungkook could not believe this pup became like this. A silent scoff left his lips and that caught Ippi's attention. Jungkook felt that Ippi had his eyes on him which Jungkook gladly looked at him back. He nodded at him with signal what do you want? It disbelief that he really started to having conflict with a dog. A puppy. His own dog.

      And since Jungkook had his hand on Jungna's waist, surprisingly Ippi pushed his hand away. Jungkook's eyes turned widened as saucer with his sudden move. Like in the animated movie, Jungkook could play a scene of Ippi was smirking at him right now. Ignoring how surprised Jungkook was, Ippi circled himself to a ball on Jungna's lap.

      But that didn't mean all victorty on Ippi yet. This time, Jungkook wrapped Jungna's waist as he back hugging her and nailed his chin over her shoulder. Ippi has his head perked up immediately. Their eyes met again. It for Jungkook to smirk at him and wriggled his brows. Jungna who didn't know what was going om between the two just resting against Jungkook chest. One of her hand was scribbled invisible patterns on his arm while the other one rubbing Ippi's head.

      Bring it on now, man.

      The situation now was like a fight between dominant. Two alpha over an omega. Both were wanting Jungna's attention and didn't want to share any of it.

      Later, Ippi acted like he didn't bother with it and put down his head. Jungkook thought it was over but no obviously whenever Ippi purposely licked Jungkook's hand and left stain of saliva there. Since Jungna's hand was tracing on Jungkook's arm instead of his hand, that just an ease for Ippi to lick his papa's hands.

      Jungkook gasped as he instantly retreeted his hand which surprised Jungna who was in her world playing with his arm.

      "What's wrong?It's something happen?" She asked him concernly. "No, nothing happen. I will go to kitchen for a moment okay?"

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