I'm broken

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{y/n's pov}

I wake up in a dark, cold room. I was laying down on a rather soft bed. It was probably a twin size bed meaning I wasn't in my normal room. The bed I usually slept in was a Texas King size, damn rich kids. I wasn't chained down either which was suspicious. My once shirtless body now had an oversized shirt on which I guessed to be todoroki's shirt. Then memories of earlier flooded into my mind. I ran away. He caught me. Shit. I try sitting up but I felt a sharp pain shoot through my body. I scream in pain and a few tears slipped out. I look down and there I see my legs. I almost puke at the sight. They were swollen and purple. They were turned every which way. The sight left a knot in my stomach and without even realizing it, I scream on the top of my lungs.

I started sobbing at the sight. Todoroki was a monster. How could he do this to me. It didn't take me long to realize I was in the basement, the room I hated most. It was dark and quiet, only my crying was to be heard. Maybe the basement wasn't so bad. I'd get to be alone. I was alone my whole life, I should be use to it by now.

{todoroki's pov}

Kouki ended up staying even after I captured my y/n. I was disgusted by myself. The guilt ate at me and so I guess kouki didn't want to leave me alone. I sat on my couch, my mind spacing out. I was snapped back to reality when kouki said, "she's awake." I had him watch the cameras in the basement to keep an eye on you. "Okay then." I say as I get up from the couch.

I walk to the basement door, hesitant to open it. What if you hated me now. I wouldn't be able to live with that. "I could go in for you, if you'd like sir." Kouki suggested as if reading my mind. All I do is nod and back away from the door.

{y/n's pov}

I heard the basement door open. I couldn't see who it was from my position but I assumed it was todoroki. I hear the stairs creek as weight was lifted upon them. To my surprise a slim man appeared around the corner. I recognized it to be kouki. My face distorted at the sight of him. He had a tray in hand full of food. My mouth watered at the sight. He gave me a gentle smile and said, "for you ma'am." He sat the tray down on the little bedside table and helped me sit up. The pain was agonizing so kouki had to carry me to a siting position. He then sat the trey on my lap and I dug in.

He walked away but never left the room. He opened a drawer and pulled out a first aid kit. He then walked to me. I ate my waffle breakfast but my eyes never left him. He crouched down and started bandaging my legs. "W..what're you doing?" I ask, knowing that simple bandages wouldn't fix shattered bone. He laughed and said, "it's better then nothing, isn't it?" I hesitated and then said, "isn't there some kind of medicine you could put on it?" I didn't have an attitude, I thought that'll only make matters worse.

"There is but master todoroki only asked me to bandage it, nothing else." Hearing his name made me mentally gag. Todoroki. I decided that this is the perfect chance for me to get answers, "isn't he rich, can't he hire a doctor then pay him hush money?" This made kouki chuckle. "Master todoroki told me not to answer these types of questions." So, kouki was an obedient dog, that's perfect. "What does todoroki have on you? Why're you working for him? Is he paying you good money? Is he black mailing you?" I ask, my mind full of questions. He chuckled, "I'll tell you eventually little lamb." He said before getting up, grabbing my tray, and then leaving. Kouki's words stuck with me. When was he going to tell me? I didn't know why but wanted to know. I didn't know if it would help with my escape but his words intrigued me. Maybe it was something a little deeper.

{todoroki's pov}

I watch you and kouki through the cameras. I wanted to make sure you behaved. Kouki came through the basement doors and I greeted him with a weak smile. I was weak. I didn't want to face you. I didn't know how you felt. That scared me. I wanted to know everything about you. It pained me not knowing but your mind is your personal space, I don't want to be too pushy.

A heard a knock on the door which made my heart race. Kouki answered it and I watched him like a hawk. Five buff men with nice looking suits were there. That made me sigh. I walked over to the guys and welcomed them in. They were old friends of mine, ones to be trusted. They've been my body guard since I was little, they watched me grow up. They all loved me like their own son which I took advantage of. They follow my orders so I told them their next task was to protect my y/n. Some seemed hesitant but they didn't have a choice, they follow my every command.

I told one to stand in front of the basement door, another to look at the cameras. The other three walked around the house making sure no intruders came. Kouki happily accepted to be my butler because it meant a bigger paycheck which was something he needed.

I sigh and sit on the couch, my mind crowded with stress. I sigh and turn the tv on. The news showed nothing special happened. The disappearance of Izuku midoriya has calmed down, almost as if people forgot about him. Search parties contained less and less people everyday. I started laughing maniacally. Midoriya is finally gone and everybody forgot about him. He's gone and you're finally mine. He thought he could take you away, well he was wrong.

"Kouki," I say and he came running. "Yes master," he said as if the word master came natural to him. "I need all evidence of y/n living here gone by this summer, got it?" I say as I turn off the tv. Kouki nods and walks off as I get off the couch. "I have to head home," I yell to let everyone know. No one said anything but I knew they heard me. I felt a lot more safe with the body guards and Kouki looking after you.

I arrive at home and I'm met with my father. He was still in his hero costume so I was guessing he just came home from work. He didn't question where I was, that was the only good thing about having a horrible father. I go to my room and lay on my bed. I looked at the ceiling as my mind wondered. I wanted to do something special for you. I did kidnap you and break your legs but I choose not to see it that way. Then something brilliant came to mind. Oh my little bunny, aren't you in for a treat tomorrow.

"Until you're mine" yandere todoroki x shy readerWhere stories live. Discover now