Prologue: how two hearts became one

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A/N: Hello, everyone! Before you all kill me, I'm still very much hard at work on DtTP. In fact, I already have several chapters written up. At this point, I'm just waiting for my editor's approval. In the meantime, this is a side project I've been working on that I'm posting here. Spoilers for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Dual Destinies since this is a post-game fic. It's time for femslash! 10/22/15: All chapters are currently being given a once over for in order to see if there's anything I could correct.

10/24/16: Doing another editing sweep in preparation for the final chapter.

The source of my strength


Robin Newman and Juniper Woods, the unexpected power couple of Themis Academy. Everyone had been shocked when Robin spontaneously asked Juniper to be her girlfriend after the latter had been involved in the Courtroom bombing. The shock proved to be greater still when Juniper actually accepted, as prior to this it had been known that she had been developing a crush on a young defense attorney named Apollo Justice. And of course, this made people wonder whether Myriam Scuttlebutt's earlier allegations actually had a grain of truth to them.

Sort of. Robin had not had considered whether she had romantic feelings for Juniper during her time as a male. But at the sight of Juniper on stage, of the sight of her beautiful friend singing in such a lovely tone, had awakened something inside of her. Robin wrestled with herself for a long time before she realized that she had been falling for Juniper for a while. But with Juniper infatuated with Apollo, Robin decided to simply keep her feelings to herself.

It wasn't until after Juniper had almost been lost in the Courtroom bombing that Robin realized that doing nothing would accomplish exactly that- nothing. And so she staked everything she had into courting her friend, culminating in her declaration of love.

Juniper herself had been on a parallel path. At first, Robin had simply been one of her friends. But she couldn't help but admire the energy and passion "he" felt towards his art. Even as "he" frightened her a bit, Juniper wanted just a fraction of Robin's strength for herself. And so a crush formed inside her, one she was too meek to act on.

Then came Professor Courte's murder, and the exposure of everyone's secret, including that of Robin's gender. Juniper decided to try and forget her old crush, and with the return of her friend Athena came a knight in red, Apollo Justice. Without a doubt he was a kind and brave man, and Juniper let herself be swept off her feet. Apollo's selfless act of saving her during the courtroom bombing seemed to reinforce the image she had built in her mind. But when Robin confessed her feelings, her regrets for not being the one to protect her, Juniper realized her crush on Robin had never really gone away. She recognized that Robin was brave and wonderful in her own way, willing to defy her parents to be herself and risk it all to let her feelings be known. And so without a single stutter in her voice, Juniper reciprocated Robin's feelings.

Eternally grateful to Apollo for what he had done, Juniper made a proof of friendship bracelet for him and Athena with Robin's help. But for her girlfriend Robin, the first thing she did was begin to make a new smock for her.

The awkward start of the relationship, filled with massive amounts of stuttering on Juniper's part and a bit of fainting on Robin's, didn't take long to blossom. On late nights when Robin found herself eternally dissatisfied with her current project, Juniper was always there to reassure her. On days when not even her sunflower was enough to calm her, Juniper knew that Robin would be there, ready to pump her up with a hotblooded speech, or cheer her up with some playful teasing.

Robin Newman and Juniper Woods. As graduation day approached at Themis Academy they knew that there would be a lot of challenges to face out in the wider world. Even at Themis not everyone had been been thrilled with them being a couple. But they had friends, Myriam, Hugh, Athena, and Apollo, that supported them through thick and thin. And they had each other.

A/N: Like DtTP, this is a cross-post from my other accounts, so the first few chapters will be catch-up. The cover was made for me by DestinyGirlz, my best friend, so shower her with praise! I'd like everyone's honest opinion on this work. See you next time! Please review.

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