Part 11

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He was about to say something but I stopped him.

Y/n - Have you ever asked me what I want maybe, no you haven't why because you don't care. No one cares because they know that they have everything and I don't have anything. I don't even know what it feels like to be loved or to even have parents. I always grew up with my father because my mum died. And my father started to beat me up every day. I didn't even leave the house because I was scared my father would hit me for it. My father would leave and come back drunk. And the only thing he did was beat me up. Then he started to taking drugs which made him worse. He started to hit me with all sorts of things like glass and his belt. I would stay up for days trying to clean my wounds but there was no point because I just got more. He got so bad that he wouldn't let me do anything I couldn't even eat. I went a whole year without proper food. I ate out of a fucking bin. And it was like that since I was 2 years old. One day I came home from my first day of school and he told that he is moving out. And just like that he left. I was left with nothing. I couldn't go to my mum and hug her I couldn't hug my dad. Then I moved in with you which I did get better. But then you started to act like my father just you never hit me. The only reason I don't want to have sex with you is because I know you don't care and you will just go and fuck some bitch after this. And when I have sex I want to feel that the person loves me. But every time you use me is reminds me of how my father used to rape me. 'I was a crying mess by this point' you never cared and you will never care. If you want you can use me I will let you. Do what you want to do because I know you can't do anything worse then what my father done. 'Then I walked out of the room because the bell rang as soon as I finished'

At the canteen

I was sitting across from Jungkook. I didn't even look at anyone I was just taking sips of my water.

Jin - Y/n see if you are not going to eat that can I have it

RM - Leave her alone

Y/n - Haha it's ok you can have it

Jisoo - Y/n are you ok you seem down

Y/n - No I am ok I was just tired so that's why I went off like that

Tae - Oh ok are you sure

Y/n - Yes I am fine baby 'I put on a fake smile'

We were eating when a girl walked up to the table. She put her hands around Jungkook's neck and kissed his neck. Everyone looked at me but I was looking down at me lap. I knew they looked at me because they were waiting for me to say something.

Jhope - So y/n are you not going to yell for this girl to leave. 'I looked up at everyone then my eyes met Jungkook'

Y/n - Why should I, he got himself into a mess so he can fix it himself

Girl - A mess? What do you mean a mess bitch. 'My head shot up'

Y/n - 'I looked right into her eyes' first don't call me a bitch. Second you have to realise that you will never have a chance in dating that asshole. Because he is a playboy he will use you and break your heart 'everyone on the table looked shocked because I haven't called Jungkook an asshole since our last fight' but because he is my fake friend I really don't care what you do with him. But I am helping you because I don't want you to be sad over a playboy that broke your heart. 'Yet again I saved Jungkook from a girl'

Jimin - Are you sure that you are ok did something happen to you and Jungkook

Y/n - No nothing happened I am just saying the most biggest truth

Yoongi - Then why say he is your fake friend

Y/n - Because he is. Friends care about each other. Just like I care about you all and hopefully you care for me too. But Jungkook only cares about himself and how many girls he fucked in the past week.

Yoongi - So do you not see Jungkook as a friend

Y/n - 'I sighed and looked over at Jungkook and I looked deep at his eyes' no I don't see him as a friend you know why because I fell in love with him but he just used me like one his toys. 'A tear rolled down my cheeks

Tae - I told you if you hurt her I will fucking kill you

Y/n - Tae sit down 'he ignored me' I said sit down 'he just kept walking to Jungkook' if you don't come back and sit down right now I will fucking kill you myself 'he still didn't listen' that's it 'I ran up to him and grabbed him by the hair and pulled him away before he reached Jungkook'

Y/n - SIT DOWN RIGHT NOW!!! 'Everyone in the canteen looked at me'

Tae - O-o-ok

Y/n - WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH EVERYONE!! DO YOU ALL HATE ME THAT MUCH THAT YOU WANT ME GONE!! Why just why do you do this to me. You keep making my life so much harder.

Jungkook - Y/n sit down you are making a scene!

Y/n - A scene? I am making a scene. 'I chuckle' fine I am making a scene. Jungkook don't even show your face to me again!! Your stupid friends with benefits with me just went down the drain for you !!

BTS and BlackPink - Friends with benefits!!!

Y/n - Yes and today I am moving out of your house Jungkook

Jungkook - NO DON'T LEAVE

Y/n - Why should I listen to you huh

Jungkook - B-because I-I


Jungkook - BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!! 'Everyone was in shock'

Y/n - 'I laughed so hard' y-you love me haha well I love you too but my love for you is real.

Jungkook - I mean it. I really love you

Y/n - Well maybe next time FUCKING SHOW IT!!

I was ready to walk away when I heard a voice call my name.

?? - Y/N!! 'I turned around'

Who do you think it is? Comment your answer.

I live with a playboy/bully Jungkook ffWhere stories live. Discover now