Reality Check

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How am i going to tell Pin?

It's probably best if i rip it off like a bandage.

God i love him so much i think back to the time Raven through me after a beach ride a few months ago.

Pin rushed  to my side wrapping my face in his hands he looked me in the eye holding me in his lap close. he leaned down looking into my eyes as i got lost in those hazel green eyes of his.
he whispered into my ear everything will be okay and strangely enough i believed him every part of me believed him my body felt like i could trust him it was strange a strange feeling i hadn't felt before.

i wish so much that he was here with me whispering it will be okay in my ear as he holds me close, god i need him so bad right now i need to just be near him.

I felt tears come down. I close my eyes breathing and slowly I don't want Jade and Becky to know not yet anyways, yeah I need to talk to pin. The car pulls to a sudden stop.

Jade: Zoe.. are you sure you're OK?

I nod reaching for the door.

: i'm fine I just need to be alone. I'll see you tomorrow.

Open the door heading toward the steps I push the door to the house open seeing I didn't lock the door it's not like anyone want to break in anyways.

I close the door behind me stopping for a second hearing the house is quiet.

I'm alone.
God i need to talk to pin.
i run upstairs throwing myself on to the bed.
I look through the blankets and mess that covers my bed before eventually finding it.

My heart skips a beat Omg he responded he actually responded.

I unlock my phone the password being our anniversary the day we made it official and the day pin found out he was a duke.

I smile as i read the message from pin.

From Pin : I Love you Baby girl,
Sorry i have been super busy with training, I miss you i wish you were here, I love you beautiful.

God he was so perfect i remember the first time he kissed me we had just had a race between bright fields and Holloway and he was mad and i was hurt and upset and i didn't know what to do i remember feeling guilty after he kissed me not just because i was with Marcus but because When Pin and i Kissed it was ... Diffrent it was real it made me feel ...


It was like electricity coursing through my body as soon as our lips aligned it was Un explainable.

I think back to the fact that I'm carrying Pins Baby.

God how far we had come, Seems like only yesterday i thought he was a horse thief.

I look at my phone before deciding against it i'll call him later tonight.

If i could wrap my head around it maybe i could find the right words to say.

I lay my head down onto the Pillow sleep coming over me.

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