33. Strangers

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Chapter 33.

Sa-do didn't see Ji-dwi again after the day he kissed her. She was in the medical room till now, with Ah-ro looking after her like she was still on the brink of death.

Her other roommates along with Dan-se and Su-jin visited her often whenever they had time. They too had noticed Ji-dwi's uncharacteristic absence and had asked her if something had happened and she had fervently denied it. Ji-dwi must have been busy. There was a lot of work in being a Hwarang. He must not have had any spare time to visit her, Sa-do kept telling herself. What other reason could there possibly be?

Eventually, she got discharged. It took a lot of convincing and persuading but Ah-ro had finally agreed on the condition that she take it easy for the time being. She would do that. Just as soon as she found Ji-dwi and made sure that he was alright because even if she never admitted it, she too found it strange that he never came to her.



Ji-dwi turned to her on hearing her voice before frowning and going back to his work. Sa-do frowned too. This wasn't exactly what she had expected from him.

Over the next few days, she tried many times to get Ji-dwi to talk to her, but he never gave more than one-word answers before making some ridiculous excuse and leaving. Sa-do was hurt by the sudden unexplained cold shoulder she received from him. She would have understood some awkwardness between them, but he was completely ignoring her existence, like she was invisible. It was like being back at home.


Sa-do was about to enter her room but the conversation inside halted her hand at the door.

"Why are you ignoring her?"

"I don't know what you mean."

"Hiya! Do you think we are blind? You have barely spoken to her after coming back. Can't you see it's hurting her?"

"I have a lot of things to do. You can't expect me to waste my whole day on insignificant people like her."

Sa-do took that as her cue to enter, not wanting to hear any more.

Soo-ho released Ji-dwi from where he had him pinned against the wall. The other guys looked shocked by her sudden appearance too. She swallowed hard as she forced a smile before heading for her bed.

"What are you doing?" Seon-woo asked worriedly as he glanced between his friend and his sister.

"I am going to call it in early tonight."

Soo-ho left Ji-dwi's side. "Hiya! Are you slacking off on your reading?" he scolded jokingly but Sa-do didn't crack a smile.

"I am tired. I will make up for it tomorrow," she promised before quickly climbing up to avoid further conversation. Lying down facing the wall, with the blanket pulled over her head, she finally let the tears fall. Insignificant people? She was pointless to Ji-dwi? The thought hurt more than it ought to have.

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