The City

996 20 2

I've finished work, just need to get in my car x

Okay x



Hey Matty

Are you okay?

I'm good Matty


How are you?

I'm good as well

That's good. Are you on your phone whilst driving?

You're on speaker love

Oh okay

Don't worry no one else is in the car. What you doing?

Cleaning my flat which I was supposed to do yesterday

You live alone?

No I share it with Saf, my friend. We both go to UCL together so it was easier to share one plus flats are expensive in London

You live in London?

Yeah at the moment

I live in London


I'm serious. I live in London,  I'm from Manchester but I moved to London

Oh wow that's cool. London is pretty big though

Yeah it is love

Stop calling me love Matty

Don't you like it?


I don't know

You're blushing

Matty we're on the phone how the hell would you know I'm blushing

Oh but you are though. I could tell by your tone of voice Olivia

Wow what are you a detective?

I just know girls

Of course you do

Trust me I do. Since we both know that we both live in London we should meet

Yeah maybe we should

You actually said yes. Wow you must not be Olivia

I will hang up on you

No you won't. What's that noise?

Oh it's just Saf coming in

Maybe you could bring Saf and I could bring George

So he didn't like the girl from your double blind date

Oh he did. He only spent the night with her. You have a good memory love.

I had to pretended to be your mum for a second and plus it was only a month or so ago

Oh yeah. So when do you want to meet?

Well I finish uni in May so some time after that?

That's ages away

We're at the end of March Matty. It won't be long anyway

Oh yeah okay. I'm at the shop now so I will let you go.

Goodbye Matty

Goodbye love

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