Stolen Moments

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After notifying members of the latest updates including Emma's presence, the latest Order meeting concluded. Emma had then gotten up to help Molly Weasley with dinner. While she wasn't trusted with important tasks yet, she felt the need to at least make herself useful somehow. Especially since she seemed to be boarding for free. 

She was still shy around most people since she didn't fit in yet. Thankfully, she did recognise Nymphadora Tonks who was only a few years younger than her. Molly of course had taken to her kindly, appalled at the situation Emma had unwittingly found her in. Then were was Remus of course..

She tried to keep a blush at bay as thoughts of the ruggedly dishevelled man came to her. 

"Now dear just keep an eye on the stew, would you? I need to go check with Arthur about something," Molly said in her usual bustling manner.

Does that woman ever rest?

She nodded and as Molly left, she saw Remus entering the kitchen. "Need help?" he offered a small smile as he stood next to her by the stove.

Remus hoped she wouldn't catch on to his poor attempt at wanting to talk to her. It seemed that Molly or Tonks always had her attention. And every time she tried to talk to him, someone would drag her away. He got a bit mad whenever that someone was Sirius. 

It's not like he knows about your schoolboy crush on her, is how Remus would try to console himself. The thought brought him back to reality. An adult werewolf with a crush, he mused. Padfoot would never let him live it down. 

Feeling butterflies in her stomach at the sight of Remus, Emma tried to act casual. 

"Nothing much to do here except watch," she shrugged. 

He joined her regardless.


After dinner, they stood cleaning dishes while the rest grabbed a drink on the first-floor drawing-room. Their fingers would brush against each other occasionally. Remus didn't say anything about it. He didn't seem to mind. She wasn't complaining either.

Their conversation didn't falter. They'd go from reminiscing about their respective childhoods to banter to teasing each other during which she particularly enjoyed how his eyes would shine when he laughed. There was some flicking of dish soap involved as well.

A few days ago, she had caught onto Remus being a werewolf. But she didn't know if he knew that she knew. For two weeks in Diagon Alley, she had worked with a man who had lycanthropy. She had been horrified at how he was treated and as things went, he didn't last too long at the shop either.

She didn't want Remus to think that she thought any less of him for it. 

But I guess it's better for him to tell me, she thought and didn't broach the subject that night.


Remus liked how she would tilt her head as if to listen a little more intently whenever he spoke about something.

As they stood discussing the recent disappearances, she tried to wipe her soap foam off her cheek with the back of her hand which only made it worse. He saw her trying to wipe the foam and without thinking twice, reached out and wiped it off himself. She froze and turned to look at him still in the middle of washing dishes. 

Remus felt her face get warmer, his hand still lingering. She saw him look at her lips and she instinctively wet them slightly. She hesitated a little before reaching out to hold him by his shirt and getting some soap on him in the process.

They look so soft, he thought. This is about to be extremely mortifying if she pulls away.

This is it. He's going to kiss me.

Leaning forward, he was about to pull her in when they heard Molly hurrying down the kitchen stairs again.

Suddenly jerking away, they both put some distance between themselves as Molly came into view. Looking at Remus who had a hand towel to help wipe the dishes dry, she gave him a smile.

"You're always such a gentleman Remus dear. You both can go upstairs now. I've had about enough of that man-child you call your best friend. I'll take it from here," she shooed them out.

They walked up to where the rest were sitting in silence. Remus and Emma stood on the staircase in front of the drawing looking at each other shifting awkwardly and thinking about their almost kiss. They could hear snippets of conversations.

They both spoke at the same time.

"I think I'll go check in with Sirius," Remus cleared his throat and headed towards his friend on the couch.

"I need to sort out the clothes Moody brought over from my flat," she mumbled and dashed upstairs. 

Sirius wanted to ask Moony why he looked so flushed. But he suspected it had something to do with a brown-haired witch in their midst. He wouldn't say anything yet. This was going to be fun,


A/N: Please vote/comment if you're liking the story! 

I found the GIF on Giphy. Couldn't find the creator for the life of me. Please message me if you know the original creator. I am happy to add it.

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