Chapter 20- Can we kiss forever?

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Show me those open and loving eyes,
For they are the door to my own soul.
Touch me with those gentle hands,
And I'm made anew, not as clay,
But as if my body were reborn,
In its most perfect form.
And so in this love, there is
A deep gratitude.
A sense that what is given,
Is sacred and transient,
Passing in time into
The external cycles of living.

For this chapter, listen to, get you the moon by kina.

"What is true love?" She asked me.

"True love?" I asked back, while I sat up on the bed. Why all of a sudden did she ask me that?

"Yes....What is true love to you?"

"Well to me, true love is a strong and an affectionate feeling.... it's the best feeling you can ever get in your life. It's like... getting back home from a very long trip." I lightly chuckled.

"It's uh..." I clicked my tongue. "also touching, when the person you care and think about, shows it back to you. It's kind, forgiving... no matter what, and painful."

"Painful?" She interrupted me.

"'s painful... to me. Most times, I don't know what I want, when it comes to true love. I tend to get confused about my feelings, because I can't accept the fact that I fell for someone of the same sex." I sighed. "It's intriguing, you know. I look at what my mum will say, my best friend, and most especially the world. How will everyone look at me when I say I'm gay? It's heartbreaking....because, to most people, it's a sin." I explained with my eyes quite teary.

Kiana sat up too, and ran her hands softly on my cheek. "But I thought....true love doesn't give a fuck about the world.....It goes through all the hard paths, and still conquers. It doesn't give is love. And I don't care... I can get criticized all my life, heart chose you....that's true love."

I gazed at her and I was short of words. I didn't know what to say anymore. She was right in all she said...but I didn't know if I was ready to face the gay.

" have something on your nose." She scram, placing her hands on her mouth.

"Huh, What?" I touched my nose in fear, but I felt nothing. "There's nothing on my nose, Kiana." I smirked so confident.

"You think?"

With that, she got close to me and started tickling me.

"Hahahahahaha....stop...Kiana stop..."

With a lot of laughter in my mouth, I was forced to lay my back on the bed.

"Hell no. You didn't believe me, when I said there was something on your nose." She murmured, getting on top of me, and continuing with her tickles.

"Hahahaha...." I laughed hard and suddenly, I snorted.

Kiana stopped and laughed so hard too. "Hahahahaaaha...didn't know you can snort like a pig....hahahaha."

"Hahaha, I didn't know just happened." I gushed.

She didn't stop laughing, when suddenly she snorted back. She pulled off a puppy dog face in shame.

"You snort too. Hahahahaha." I chuckled back.

The laughs continued, feeling the air with happiness and joy. The night was still young. I didn't want moments like these to end. They made me happy, most especially the smile on Kiana's face.

"You still have the bracelet I gave you."

She smiled once she got off me.

"Yeah, I do. I haven't removed it since the day you gave it to me."

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