12. Never trust a scorpion

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A/N homophobia warning - and just asshole alert. proceed with caution 

George ran to Charlie's house, holding his phone in one hand. He was so mad. Furious, even. Charlie didn't live far from his apartment. He rushed to her house, knocking on the door and trembling with anger. He didn't even know what he was going to tell her. When she opened the door, George stormed into the house, glowering at her.

"Um.. Hello?" she closed the door and turned to him awkwardly. George sat down, then got up dramatically, making sure he was taller than her to look more intimidating, "What did you send Clay?"

Charlie immediately grew quiet, her pupils dilating. George furrowed his eyebrows, holding his ground. "Look, before you get mad at me, I did this for your own good," Charlie tried justifying herself, shaking her head. George was fuming. "I sent him fake texts from you. I thought if I did so, Clay would get the idea."

"An idea of what?! What are you talking about?" George screamed, tugging on his hair. Charlie felt herself getting angry as well, "I DIDN'T WANT YOU TO BE LIKE THEM!" she yelled, immediately regretting what she said. George grew quiet.

"Like who..?" George asked quietly, his heart dropping. He felt disgusted. He already knew what she was going to say. 

"The gays!" Charlie snapped, confirming George's thoughts. She was in tears, her back facing him. "It's a disease, George! Everyone is born straight, and when I met Clay, I immediately suspected something. I needed to act fast! George, I did you favour!"

George was speechless. He could not believe his ears.  He was shaking so much. "Being gay is not a disease!" he walked up to her and pulled himself to his fullest height. Charlie rolled her eyes, her cheeks wet, "If you think that, we cannot be friends."

"George, don't tell me he turned you into one of them," she said, putting special emphasis on the word he and them. She sounded disgusted. George turned away, huffing angrily. He felt sick. Betrayed. He couldn't even look at her. "George, listen to me! It's not that late - you can still change!"

George screamed. He screamed in frustration. Pain. Sadness. Anger. He felt so many different emotions. Charlie stared at him in horror. George turned to her, his eyes red and puffy. He approached the door, opening it and not breaking eye contact. 

"We're not friends anymore, Charlotte. Don't you dare talk to me or Clay ever again," George breathed out, walking out of the house and slamming the door behind him. 

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