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Halfway through her meditation, a certain ash blonde-haired man stood outside the doorway to her classroom. He observed her as she meditated while seated on the grass, an aura of brilliant green enwreathing her.

Kai: "See, I told you, it's a habit of hers now."

Xue had established the link back to the soul fragments, and once Kai realised they were back in the academy, he started to yap at Xue to look after Cecil.

Xue was confused, but he agreed readily and Kai advised him to check the classroom. True enough, Cecil was here and immersed in her meditation.

Xue: "How did you know?"

Kai: "The entire time in the academy, Cecil would focus wholeheartedly on training and nothing else."

Kai: "It was a miracle if it didn't become a habit, which I would be more than thankful for."

Xue leaned against the doorway, staring at Cecil.

Alric: "Cecil is so hardworking..."

Zasiok and Leonaut agreed along with Alric.

Xue: "Why is she working so hard?"

Kai: "You know why. She picked up this habit because of us."

Xue recalled the memories where he absorbed Kai, and how Kai revealed how Cecil worked so hard for their sake.

From drinking the Widerlich, to drowning herself into training, and getting the Flaming Lavender.

Everything, it was all for them.

Xue: "...I remember."

Xue sighed, his gaze softening as he continued staring at Cecil. He approached the raven-haired woman, sitting down beside her.

Her eyes were closed, and her beautiful face was scrunched up in concentration.

She cried her heart out for Kai.

She almost died for Alric.

She blamed herself constantly for Zasiok.

She even allowed Leonaut a chance to redeem himself.

Another memory flashed by his mind, back in the alleyway, and he finally understood the reason behind her words back then.

Once again, he stopped him from absorbing Kai for his sake.

Even when he was so close to hurting her, he recalled the words she uttered.

"I want you to be happy."

Xue found himself overwhelmed by the profound feelings growing within him. His gaze was so tender, that anyone would be shocked to see that he was capable of showing a gaze like that.

Even himself.

"You fool," a faint, regretful smile appeared on his lips. "What if I really hurt you back then?"

If Xue had really hurt her, he didn't know how his current self would react now. Even now, the thought of hurting her made him wince.

Cecil's face scrunched up even further, her forehead glistening with sweat.

Something tugged at his heartstrings as he saw this sight, knowing that Cecil was working trying her hardest to reach the gate.

"Why are you going this far for someone like me?" Xue asked, his grey eyes caressing her face softly. "Why are you doing all this for me? For all of us?"

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