79: Indy

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I wake up to my alarm ringing in my ear. I slap my phone and bury my face in my pillow until there's a knock on my door, and it opens. "Indy Laine, wake up, baby." Mom turns my ceiling fan off which she or dad do every morning when they come in. "Do you want breakfast?"

I sit up, throw my hair over my head and shake it. "No..."

She smiles. "Alright, baby." And she's gone.

"Mom!" Finn shouts, running down the hall.

I shut and lock my door and go into my bathroom, turning the shower on and start brushing my teeth while it warms up. The window next to my shower tells me it's before six in the morning. I can't wait to sleep in tomorrow! The weekend is what keeps me going through the week.

* * * * * *

"Hey..." Finn stands at my door, her hair is freshly straightened and she slips her iPhone into her back pocket of her one hole in the knee skinny jeans.

"What's up?" I ask, curling a chuck of hair away from my face.

She looks at my vanity before she walks into my room. "Do you have a dusty pink colored lipstick? Mom can't find hers..."

I laugh for a second and reveal the dusty pink lipstick I stole from moms lipstick drawer. "This is mom's."

Finn giggles and uncaps the tube. "Perfect!" She looks into my mirror the same time I let my hair fall from the curling iron in my hand. "What's it like when people tell you you look so much like dad?" She asks, then rubs her lips together, blending in the lipstick she just applied.

I look in the mirror as I grab another chunk of hair and curl it toward my face this time. "I don't look so much like dad..."

She nods. "Yeah, you do." Her hazel eyes have gotten darker over the years. Just like how my eyes are darker than dad's, Finly's are darker than mom's.

"His smile and his eyes, Indigo..." Her cheeks suck in for a moment as I let my hair fall again. "And his facial expressions, honestly." She shrugs both her shoulders. I'm a solid mix of my parents. More mom than dad, though.

"What's it like when people tell you you look so much like mom?" I ask her.

Her shoulders shrug again. "I don't know... I don't really think anything of it." She says while running her hands through her hair.

"I don't either. This is who I am, I've only known this face when I look in the mirror, Finnegan..."

"Yeah, I guess you make a point. I was just curious." She now brushes her hair with my brush.

"Finn baby," mom pops around my doorframe. "Lunch is on the island."

Finn smiles. "Thanks, mama."

"Always, honey." Mom smiles back and disappears. "Hey, wait," she's takes a step into my room a second later. "Is that my lipstick, little lady?" She points to the tube on my vanity.

Finn giggles. "Yup!"

"Indigo Laine..." She sighs. "It does look better on you two than it ever has on me."

"Oh, whatever!" Finn laughs.

Mom places her arms around us and smiles into my mirror. "My beautiful girls."

"Dads favorite people." Finn smiles into the mirror with a fist on her hip.

"Yes," mom kisses Finn's head. "We," she kisses mine. "Are." And she leaves my room for good.

Finn takes her spot behind me and then runs her fingers through my hair, loosening my curls for me. "You know, if you lightened your hair you'd look more like grandma Pat. Your hair is what makes you look like mom." Not true.

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