The Assassin and The King[pt1]

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Dark was sitting on his throne, listening to his mentor drone on in front of him. He had his chin resting on his hand, staring at the wall on boredom. Suddenly a portal tore its way into existence, the edges vibrant purple and the inside showing a war zone. Two people fell through, fighting violently.

There was a beautiful, strong-looking woman backing away from a guy in a mask. Dark sat up as the guy lunged, the portal closing behind them. The guards were rushing over to intervene, shouting things, and Dark ordered them to halt. The two strange, blood-coated people were now standing in the middle of the throne room, glaring at each other. The girl charged suddenly, the guy ducked but the girl was quick to recalculate her momentum and swept her leg under him, causing him to fall. He lunged back up, pulling out a knife and swiping at her. She ducked out of the way, grabbing his arm and flipping him over her shoulder. He landed with a thump, the knife falling out of his grip. They both jumped for it but he grabbed it first, managing to slash at her leg, splattering blood across the marble floor. She hissed in pain, cursing in an unknown language.

She stomped on his wrist and kicked his stomach. He groaned in pain and tried to wiggle away. Suddenly he pulled out a gun from seemingly nowhere and shots rang out, but the girl expertly dodged with superhuman speed. Then the two were at a standoff. The girl crouched, glaring at him, while he trained the gun at her forehead, probably nearly out of bullets. Dark saw her hand snake back behind her, out of view, and then--

She hurled the knife at him. He dodged but she'd already lunged towards him, barreling into him, knocking him halfway across the large room. The gun skidded away, and she grabbed it before it got too far away and stood up, pressing her boot against the guy's throat and growling something in her language, gun aimed at his head. The guy spat something in the same language, and the girl shook her head. She muttered words under her breath before pulling the trigger.

She stepped back, tossing the gun onto the body. Only then did she glance around. Her eyes locked with Dark's.


I looked around, my target finally dead. Sweat dripped from my temples, and blood covered my tank top and cargo pants. My toolbelt was nearly bare, only a few weapons left. That fight took a lot out of me. I realized I was in a throne room. I turned and saw a demon sitting on the throne, guards at the ready, another dude off in the corner, looking frightened. I narrowed my eyes. I took a few steps forward and the guards raised their spears. I ignored them. I looked at the demon on the throne, making sure I had his attention before giving a shallow bow.

"My apologies for intruding, Your Highness, I needed to eliminate this criminal," I spoke. The king said something in a language I didn't recognize, questioning. I furrowed my brow. "Perhaps you speak English?" I asked, switching languages. Understanding flashed across his face.

"Seems we have found a middle ground." He said. He didn't look too old. Probably in his late twenties. I repeated my statement in English and he nodded. His eyes never left me, and I could see the curious look hidden behind his irises. Women here probably weren't considered for jobs like mine, so I bet I confused him.

"I will be leaving now. I will take the criminal's corpse with me." I reassured. I grabbed the dead man's arm, shoving the gun barrel-down in my back pocket before heading to the wall the portal appeared on last time.

"Wait." I turned around. The king was standing. He walked over, and I stood tall, nearly his height. He waved his guards away, and after a minute, they dispersed. We were alone. "You... Intrigue me." He murmured once he was close. "I have never seen a woman demonstrate such strength, such... beauty."

Taken aback, I thanked him, but he didn't move.

"What if you stayed here?" I stopped, raising an eyebrow.


"Well... It's about time I look for a mate... and you're the first person to ever catch my attention." I narrowed my eyes, studying him. He was fairly handsome. Probably had tons of demon girls chasing after him, begging to be the queen.

"What's in it for me?" I asked, not missing a beat. He smiled, eyeing me curiously.

"You truly are strange. Most women would claw each other to pieces for a chance at being queen. I guess that's not very important to you."


He thought for a moment. "A chance at love?"

I snorted. But... Something inside me stopped to consider it. There was something about this demon that drew me towards him. Much like he said, he was the first person to ever catch my attention. Maybe... Just maybe...

"Alright, I'll consider it. Only 'cause you're cute, though." He grinned. "But, I have one condition," I said. He nodded. "I'm a busy person. I'm not gonna stay for something that's not worth my time. So, you have to make me fall in love." I said confidently.

He was silent for a second before nodding. "That seems reasonable."

"You have a month."

"A month? Are you insane?" I chuckled.

"Listen, hun, the average person can fall in love in like four minutes, a month is plenty of time to get me interested. That is, if you're good enough." He narrowed his eyes, and I could tell he was ready to accept such a challenge.

"Alright, I agree, but on one condition; You stay here with me for that month. No leaving" Damn, not even a visit home? I sighed before nodding.

"Fine." He smirked. He called his guards and ordered them to get rid of the body. A butler ran in and cleaned the blood up, and the king noticed my bleeding leg.

"We better get that checked." Despite everything, I could hear a hint of worry in his voice. Huh, maybe he was genuinely interested in me.

A few minutes later, I was sitting on a table, with someone examining my leg. I leaned back on my elbows and looked over at the king, who was watching.

"By the way," he glanced at me, "I never caught your name."

He smiled suavely. "My name is Dark."

"Everyone calls me [Y/n]."

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