8- Kiss You

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A/N: Comment your answer

Q: Who is your favorite singer/band

A: Ariana Grande & Billie Eilish

A: Ariana Grande & Billie Eilish

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Zach's POV

I was walking towards the music room area where I saw Sam walk to. I never really knew where Sam would go during lunch. Lately, I wouldn't see her at her usual table with her friends.

The music room was secluded from the main classrooms. It was at the very end of the building where there were empty, unused lockers and rooms. No one really goes here except for the maintenance team.

As I get closer to the room, I hear a familiar voice. A singing voice to be exact. I walked a bit faster as I realized it was our neighbor's voice. This could be it. This could be the person who owns the voice that I have been falling in love with.

As I got to the music room door, I could now hear the voice more clearly. I took a deep breath. This person could be the next boy I fall in love with for the past 2 years.

I opened the door the see a boy and a girl which I was guessing was Sam, facing away from the door. They quickly looked at me and I couldn't believe it.

It's Ted!

"H-Hey," I said, looking at Ted.

"Why are you here?!" Sam asked.

"I was looking for you," I told her, still staring at Ted who was staring at me too.

"You don't know how much I am in love with your voice," I told Ted which made him blush. He stood up and went towards me.

"You don't know how long I have been in love with you," he whispered in my ears.

Our faces were inches away from each other which makes me want to kiss his pink kissable lips.

"And how much I want to kiss you," he continued.

He got closer and closer until our lips were centimeters away from touching. I could feel every breath he takes in and out. I wrap my hand around his waist, begging for him to kiss me.

Our lips were about to touch when-

*beep* *beep*

I opened my eyes to a white ceiling and a tight feeling down below in my bedroom. Why did I just dream about that? And why does the universe be this cruel and not even let the dream finish.

"WHAT THE F*CK!" I shouted so loud that probably the whole block heard it.

I heard a loud thump and some tumbling before my door opened. I was faced with a distressed Sam rubbing her head. Now I see where the loud thump came from.

"What was that for?!" She complained.

"It was my drea- nothing. I mean nothing," Almost slipped.

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