A Coffee with Him

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Next morning, I woke up with a pain in my back. I got home quite late last night. I had been working the whole day long. I had to not only make a good plan for P'Sing but also sit through his meetings and help with the decisions that he had to make. Yes, P'Weerachit thought I was too intelligent hence, my opinions would help them. The lady even asked me if I was interested in acting.

I quickly got dressed because today, I not only had to present my ideas to P'Sing and P'Jane and make them understand the whole thing, I also had to go talk to P'Noon. She was coming back today and I didn't want to waste a second before confronting her.

I stepped downstairs to find P'Nim sitting down and having her breakfast. Mine was already placed. I was reminded of my actions from the other morning. Neither had I apologized nor had I gotten the time since yesterday. I went and sat in front of her who was silently eating her breakfast.

"Swasdee, P'Nim" I spoke only to be responded with a nod. I gulped "P, about yesterday morning, I am very sorry. I didn't get good sleep and I was cranky. You know the cranky me na? I always get upset over the littlest of things. I am really sorry na, P. Please forgive me" I immediately went into asking for her forgiveness as I held her hand tightly. She looked at me, then she smiled.
"Ah Nong. How can I ever be mad at you? But you have to tell me why you felt so snappy yesterday? Is something bothering you?" She asked me with that gaze of hers. I tried avoiding it. I couldn't tell her just now, could I? No. I have to keep it in.
"It's nothing, P. I told you na, I didn't sleep properly" I looked away from her, nibbling on my breakfast.
"Nong, if you don't want to tell me, I understand. But please don't let it mess with you like this, okay na? You can always tell me anything and you know that. Take care of yourself. You're really precious to me. And stay happy like my Nong Kit originally is" she said ever so sweetly that it made me feel guilty for hiding such stuff from her.
"Khopun na, P. Don't worry, I'll tell you if it gets too out of hands" she nodded smiling at me "Oh and P, what about the plans? Did you like any of them?" I asked.
"Oh of course, I did. I liked all three of them. At last, my genius Nong devised them. You're so good at planning things na, Nong. I have even started working on the 'Better' plan. I am sure if we continue with it, the cafe will benefit" she informed me as I gave her a wide smile.
"So, when is P'Noon arriving?" I asked her, the tinge in my heart returning as the thought of confronting one of my favourite people on planet Earth.
"Oh she said she will come straight to the cafe to meet me as they arrive. Apparently, your P'Noon missed your P'Nim too much" she blushed as she chuckled. I couldn't help but smile. These two look so in love.
"Okay then, I will try to reach back on time as well then. And on my way back, I will grab our favourite dessert as well" I gave her a smile as she nodded happily. I then quickly stood up, placed my dishes in the sink, gave P'Nim a kiss on the cheek and stepped out of the door.

When I reached the building, my car came to a halt right besides P'Singto's. Along with him sat P'Jane. Upon seeing me, P'Singto frowned, a somewhat worried face took over him as he hurriedly stepped out of his car walking towards me. I took a glance in my rearview mirror before mentally facepalming myself. I didn't wear my reflective shades. Now my black eye circles were in full display and so were my droopy cheeks. Because I had stayed up late last night as well and worked quite tirelessly.

"What's wrong?" Was the first question that left P'Singto's mouth as he approached me.
"Nothing, P. I am fine" I gave him a small smile.
"No, but seriously Nong. You look like a dead corpse" P'Jane joined as I internally applauded him. Way to go, P!
"P, I am alright. I was just up till quite late last night" I informed them, locking my car and ushering them to walk with me.
"It's because of me, isn't it? Because you had to work in my place?" P'Singto asked, and I could clearly hear the guilt laced in his sentences.
"Oho P" I flicked the back of his head "It is not because of you. It is because I have a pale face and my dark circles appear very easily!" I huffed as the other two looked at me somewhat taken aback "Now stop guilt tripping, we have work to do" I ordered them before stomping off. They followed me into the office.

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