Letter #365

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Dear Swift,

Its been more than a year since you left, since the last time I saw you. The day you left you took my heart and my dreams with you.

This is my last letter for you. I am not giving up on us but our fate is beyond my control now.

For a year my life has been idle, everything around me is in slow motion. And I have to stop from here. Now, I understand the gravity of what I did but I still do not regret any of it.

My heart aches. Even more now than it did a year ago. I have no idea if I will ever be okay or if I can ever go back to the way I was.

Honestly, I do not want to go back because going back to my old self means not knowing you at all. And I will never want that.

You were the reason I kept moving forward, you were the reason why I dreamed again, why I wanted to become a better version of myself.

I saw my future with you Swift.

Last night, I dreamed of the Prom, you were wearing the white dress and you were beautiful. We danced all night and you're face lit up when I told you I am going to NYU with you. It was a great night and I drove you home after.

I know it was just a dream. But it was my dream.

Tonight, I looked up the sky and see the stars shining from the darkness and somehow it gave me hope that no matter where you are, no matter how far you are, may it be at the other side of the world, we are still under the same sky.

I will forever love you. And nothing and no one can ever change that.


Harry Edward Styles

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