Chapter 7: Freshman Fight

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Ivy and Liam finally managed to fall asleep, but Mia was the first one up the next morning. She was almost always up before Anna. She got out of bed, and was trying to decide what to wear, when Ivy came in.

"Mia, I hate to bother you," She said, "But do you have anything I could wear?"

"Of course!" Said Mia, "Pick anything you want." Mia grabbed some clothes, and her boots and cloak, and was leaving Ivy to find something to wear when she popped her head back through the door and said, "Today, I was thinking we start with the easiest ingredient on the list, unicorn hair. We can try to find your friend Luna. Grab something light, comfortable to travel in, and we might have to spend the night outside, so find something warm." Ivy thanked her and grabbed a tight black T-shirt, and black leggings. She also took one of Mia's extra cloaks, and a pair of boots. When she walked back out, she saw that Anna had joined them, and Liam had woken up.

"Here, Ivy." Mia handed her a belt, with multiple loops.

"What's this for?" She saw that Mia and Liam were both wearing one.

"It's a weapons belt," She explained, "It holds swords, knives, and other supplies."

"Why would we need all of that?"

"You never know what might happen here, it's better to be safe than sorry. I want to leave in a couple of hours, but before we do, I want to train you guys a little bit."

Ivy and Liam looked at eachother, they had never done anything like this in their lives, unless you count their first year of high school.


Liam and Ivy were packing up, and getting ready to walk home when they saw Jake. Him and his little gang decided to have some fun, and nothing was more amusing to them than making Ivy furious, and Jake knew just how to do it.

"Hey Liam." He said.

"What do you want?" Liam snarled.

"Nothing, just looking." Jake snatched Liam's phone out of his hands, and held it dangling above his head, Jake was much taller than Liam so it was easy to keep out of his reach.

"Give it back to him you douchebag." Ivy said, she hated nothing more than Jake picking on Liam.

"It's fine Ivy." Liam said, pulling her away.

"Look at that, Liam gets his battles fought by his girlfriend." Jake said, he and his gang smirked.

"Excuse me?" Said Ivy.

"Look how cute she is when she's angry." Jake laughed, "Isn't she funny Liam?"

"Why are you so annoying? Why do you always have to be a jerk? You're such a-" Liam cut Ivy off.

"Okay Ivy that's enough." Liam said, dragging her back.

Ivy slipped out of his grip, "No I don't think it is. Jake is a jerk and he is going to pay." She turned around and strided over to Jake, he was a foot taller than her, but she wasn't scared of him. "Give it back." She said. "Now!"

"What are you going to do if I don't, little girl?" Jake laughed. Liam knew that this wasn't going well, he tried to interfere, but Ivy just pushed him out of the way.

"I'll punch you."

"Come on, that's not fair. You know I can't hit a girl." Jake laughed at the idea.

"Good thing that rule doesn't apply to me." Said Ivy. She moved as swift as a river, one second she was standing in front of Jake, the next she had her leg behind his knee, and pushed him to the ground. "Leave Liam alone." She said and punched him as hard as she could right in his ugly little face. He cried out and dropped Liam's phone. Ivy stood up, grabbed it, and brushed herself off, leaving Jake laying on the floor clutching his face in his hands. "I hope I broke your nose." She said and walked over to Liam, handing him his phone. They grabbed their bags and walked home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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