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Y/n p.o.v
I stared at Neo as she slowly walked from behind to the front of the table I was handcuffed to. Ruby was still unconscious so I couldn't ask her for help. So right now the only think I could do is talk to Neo and try and find a way out. Neo then reaches for my cheek and when she finally reaches it she lifts my head up and looks at my neck. She traces her finger over a scar that was under my chin.

A/n:when I make Neo talk I mean that she is using her scroll to talk.

Neo:I remember how you got this.

Y/n:of course you would. You always were the sadistic type.

Neo:hey I'm not that sadistic.

Y/n:try telling that to the guy you slowly castrated.

Neo:hey he had it coming. He tried to touch me.

Y/n:why didn't you just kill him instead of slowly castrating him then.

Neo:true. But I didn't give you that scar. You gave it to yourself remember.

Y/n:well maybe next time when it rains you should give me a normal umbrella instead of your umbrella.

Neo chuckles

Y/n:yeah laugh all you want Mary Poppins.

Neo:do you mean the woman who can fly with an umbrella.

Y/n:what no, I'm talking about the blue alien one who uses a magical arrow to fly and controls the arrow by whistling.

Neo looked at me confused and asks.


Y/n:you're telling me you don't know who Yondu is.

Neo:no I don't.

Y/n:dang, just how old are you Neo?

Neo:hey I'm not that old. I'm only 25.

Neo pouts and crosses her hands over chest. She stays in that position until she begins to laugh.

Neo:You know I miss those times y/n. The times where we would travel all over Remnant. I would annoy you somehow and you'd come back with a witty remark.

Y/n:well those times are never coming back Neo.


I turn my head over to Ruby and Neo does the same. Ruby had apparently been awake and was now looking at Neo triumphantly.

Neo:is this your new Prompto y/n?

As Neo says that memories I wish I had forgotten return.

Ruby p.o.v

Ruby:what's a Prompto?

Neo:oh, you haven't told her yet y/n. Don't worry I'll tell her about him. Now little girl listen closely. Prompto was a boy we met when we were traveling together. We found him passed out on the side of the road. I was about to just leave him there but y/n convinced me to help him. And while we were healing Prompto we learned that he wasn't human.

Ruby:what was he?

Neo:he was an Atlas robot with aura.

After she says this I remember Penny telling me what she was. Could she and Prompto be related somehow?

Neo:After learning this I tried to kill him because I thought he was going to kill us as soon as he woke up but again y/n convinced me not to. And from that day on Prompto followed us through our journey around Remnant. But all journeys must come to an end. We were in a town to buy some supplies. I split up with the boys so we could grab our supplies faster. Everything was going fine until I saw y/n running up to me. He told me about the bandits trying to him and Prompto. And we ran to where Prompto was but we were too late. When we found him the bandits were gone and Prompto he was on the floor. His upper half of the body was severed from his bottom half.

After hearing the story of Prompto I looked over to y/n and see that his hair was now covering his eyes. And the woman in front of us she had a sad look meaning she probably cared about Prompto to. Then suddenly her scroll rings and a text message appears in front of her. And once she finishes reading it she leaves the room. Once she closes the door I look over to y/n and see that tears were now falling onto the table.

Y/n:he wanted to be human you know. He hated being a robot because people were able to control him. That's why he ran away from his creator. It's my fault he died. If I had just stayed and fight we probably could've won.

Everything was silent once y/n had stopped talking. And I didn't know what to say to him in this moment of silence.

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