Nothing more

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"Hyperactive monkey? Really? Never mind. I don't want you to attack me so I won't piss you off. Sure, I can take your stuff home. I seriously thought I'm in some serious trouble." He said and chuckled nervously, but I just giggled.

"Not yet. Thank you, brother." I said happily and gave him a kiss on the cheek, which made him smile.


"Yeah, anytime. Put all the stuff you want me to take home in the car. Wait...don't you have to study?" He asked me confusedly, but I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Thanks, bro. And no, I don't." I said smiling.

He just nodded at me, gave me his car keys and then I went outside to his car, put all the stuff inside and then went back inside to him and gave him the car keys back.

Then the sheriff got out of his office and saw me.

"Hey Y/N. You're already here." The sheriff said smiling and I nodded at him happily.

"Yeah. Should we go then?" I asked the sheriff with a smile and my brother looked at me confusedly.

"Yup. Come on, dear." The sheriff said, smiling. I nodded back happily, said bye to my brother and then we walked out of the sheriff's station.

He's such a sweet guy...Stiles's is so lucky to have a dad like him. Bet on it that he saves Stiles always from some trouble.

Then we went to his car and we started to drive to the animal clinic.

"Hey, sheriff. I wanted to ask you...are you okay? I mean after what happened to you. All that Darach stuff." I asked him quietly.

"Y/N please call me Noah. And I'm fine. It's just...Stiles is having those nightmares and all. He screams in the middle of the night and I then walk to his room and try to calm him down. Other than that...I'm okay. How about you?" He asked me with a kind smile.

"Oh. I'm fine. Just worried about Stiles, Scott and Allison. Nothing more." I told him smiling and then he smiled back.

"Okay so...I wanted you in the station, because I actually need your and Scott's help. 8 years ago...almost a whole family died. One survived...Malia, but she's missing. It was the night of the full yeah. I mean...since both you and Scott are werewolves I thought that maybe you could be able to help me find her." The sheriff explained to me while driving and I nodded, taking in all the information that he was saying.

"Yeah, of course. We'll help you. I mean...I'm in 100 percent and I'm pretty sure that Scott is going to be happy to help you." I said happily to him and he smiled brightly.

"Thank you so much, Y/N." He said happily.

"Absolutely no problem. You've helped me and I wanna help you and I wanna help Malia." I said smiling.

He smiled back and then we continued our ride to the animal clinic.

Eventually we made it and at the same time when we arrived, both Scott and Stiles got out of the clinic.

Then we got out of the car and walked to them.

"Y/N? Dad? What are you both doing here?" Stiles asked us confusedly and looked between us.

"We're here, because we-well I could use some help. Actually...*looked between me and Scott* your help." The sheriff, well Noah, explained and let me just say...Stiles looked very confused.

"Why us?" Scott asked him confusedly and Stiles looked at me for a second, but when I saw him looking at me he quickly looked at somewhere else. He's acting weird. I don't like it.

"Well...because 8 years ago, almost the entire family died in a car accident...*Then he turned to look at me, to continue*" He explained to them. They both looked at him confusedly at first, but then I continued.

"One of the bodies, a young girl Malia, was never actually found. Also...there's enough evidence to basically have us thinking that..." I said and now it was my turn to look at the sheriff with a look, that basically said 'Continue please'.

"That...a werewolf could have caused the accident, and then dragged her body away." The sheriff said, sighing and looking down for a second, before turning to me again.

"So uh...the sheriff asked, if he could use our help, you know. Like if we could somehow get a lock on her scent. Somehow maybe to find her body. To provide the missing clue." I explained to them with a lot of hand gestures, because I was still a bit confused, too. 

It made Stiles chuckle quietly, but when I looked at him he stopped.

"But...what if it was a werewolf?" Stiles asked his dad suspiciously.

"Then there's a person who murdered almost the entire family. And needs to be caught." The sheriff said and I smiled at him.

"I know it's not the right time to say this, but...I literally wanna say that exact sentence in the future. It sounds so cool." I said happily and the three of them chuckled and the sheriff patted me on the shoulder.

"Maybe you can.'ll have a future job in law enforcement." He said to me happily and I smiled proudly.

Scott thankfully agreed on helping us and then we planned on going there the next morning.

Sheriff was happy that we were gonna help him and then he drove away. So Stiles gave me a ride home.

"I'm still sorry about earlier. We shouldn't have pissed you off. Yeah...I'm sorry." Stiles said when he stopped in front of my house.

"Nah. It's all good. Dude I already forgave you. Chill." I told him smiling and he smiled back slightly.

"Thanks, Y/N. Can I ask you a weird question tho?" He asked me nervously.

"You're always asking me weird questions, Stiles. But ask away. are you dealing with your nightmares?" I asked him sadly, he gulped and then turned to me.

"I-I'm fine. I just wanted a little favor, please. *I nodded at him confusedly* Could you please stay over at mine? I-I just...never mind." He tried to say and then looked away nervously. I grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Yeah, sure. It's saturday tomorrow anyway. Come on inside for a second. I'll get some clothes and then we can go. Just don't freak out when my brother's gonna talk to you. *He nodded smiling, then we stepped out of his car and walked to the house.*" I told him, chuckling and he nodded.

Then we went inside and my brother came towards us and looked at the both of us.

"Hi Y/N and Stiles." He said happily, but confusedly.

"Hi, bro." I said happily and hugged him, which he gladly accepted.

"Hello, Mr. Parrish." Stiles said awkwardly... 

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