Chapter 6- Mischief at Midnight

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POV Ciara

I jog down the empty dark streets of Manhattan. I plan on taking the route Jack, Boots, Davey and I took to Brooklyn. 

I'm determined to see no other then the King of Brooklyn himself.

I knew if I was going to talk any sense into him, I had to sound like the rest of the newsies. Maybe using "newsie grammer" I could dumb down my message to him. 

By doing that, it might just help me get through to his thick skull to join us.

The ginormous Brooklyn bridge come into view and I take a deep breathe continuning my jog across. A feeling of adrenaline rushed through my body- I liked the "badass" I was becoming.

I slow my jog into a walk when the docks come into view. I glance around the murky area as I try to figure out where the king was hiding.

"What are yous up to missy?" an angry voice asks.

The words truly catch me off guard, sending shivers down my spine. I do my best to keep it together and show no fear as I turn my body in the direction of the voice.

A tall burly boy stands in front of me with his arms crossed. His brow is furrowed as he looks me up and down.

"I's here ta see Spot." I say sternly.

I bite my lip immediately questioning my attempt at a New York accent. The boy immediately scoffs at my response as if I just cracked the worlds funniest joke. 

However, my expression remains stone as I continue to hold my ground.

"Dat's real funny kid. Good one. Now why is yous really here?" he sneers.

"I's ain't playin Grumpy. We's got some unfinished business ta discuss." I say.

"Listen, it's been fun and all pretending yous got an actual reason to be here, but I's gonna have to ask ya ta leave. I's don't appreciate shrimps like yous insultin me character. So yous eitha gonna walk away now, or I'm gonna make ya. Choice is yours," he grumbles, clearly not appreciating my grumpy joke.

"Sorry Grumpy. I ain't leavin," I sigh planting a smug smirk on my face.

His expression turns more angry than before as he starts to walk swiftly towards me. Instead of backing up like a smart person, I stand still waiting for his wound fist to meet my skull.

He is less than five feet away from me when all of a sudden, a flying marble soars through the air and knocks him right in the temple. He falls to his knees cursing and rubbing the side of his head in pain.

"Knock it off Spike!" a voice yells.

I look up to see Spot Conlon, the king himself, standing a few feet away holding his sling shot. 

Spike gets up and gives Spot a sorry glance before rambling out apologies like crazy. Grumpy, er I mean Spike, has officially dropped his whole "tough guy" act.

"Just get inside ya bum!" Spot retorts angrily.

Spike breaks into a sprint and runs past the docks into a small dimly lit building in the near distance. 

Spot's face remains stole cold as he takes a few steps toward me until he is standing inches away from my face.

His frosty blue eyes stare me down in a piercing way. It takes everything in me to not gulp. 

I think back to earlier how I took no shit and it earned me the badass comment from Boots.

I match his gaze and in the most arrogant voice I can muster up I say, "Listen, Dot. Lemme dumb it down for you. I's here ta tell ya Manhatten ain't playin. We wanna put da prices back where they belong and be on our way. Either you agree with us or ya don't."

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