The maze

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The truth, the lie, are all messed up,
All a part of a never-ending labyrinth;
Endless streets, and only one can be right,
First you walk, maybe into the seventeenth,
Realizing you were wrong makes you desperate,
So next you try, let's say, nineteenth;
But then it just isn't the one,
Still, you walk on into the never ending curves, curious to see what lies beneath.

Mysterious is this world, just like it,
You never know where, or even what to search,
The Pastor reads the Bible, wanting to find the truth about religion,
But then he realizes, no one is clear about God, not even the Church,
But he still preaches his faith and spreads all what he knows about it,
In hope that maybe for someone else he might be the light of a torch;
Just like that, people search everything, everywhere,
And leave their answers on the dry parch.

Someone reads it all and decides to follow,
And all this folly continues,
All of it, yeah, every bit,
And surprisingly without anyone having issues,
One day they fail, but never does this hope die;
Needed are just some energy to get up again and also moist tissues,
Wiping all the sweat and tears, they carry on,
Ignoring all the blues.

Do you know why, do you know what it is?
Hope ahoy, yeah, it's hope,
Also faith and trust in oneself;
Even though they know deep within, there's no scope,
Or maybe they don't know, maybe they just ignore,
Just like you or me, trudging on life's steep slope,
We don't give up, 'cause we don't want to,
Even we are just as dope...

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