Get the guns were going now!!

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Henry was more distance ever since that day happened. Taking his gun, he shoots the can at the distance. He wasn't mad, just disappointed.
" Yo what's the matter?" Eric came up with his own gun.
"Just thinking, nothing much." Taking a breath, he just pauses when hears a noise.
"Eric you hear that!!" Henry whispered getting nervous, but stayed at his calmest. For it could be another member of the group.
"Henry!!!" Turning around he felt a shot of pain growing on his arm. Making him drop the weapon.
Eric runs down to him, as sweat tickled down his forehead. As more shots came towards them. Eric then pulled Henry to safety behind a pillar.

"Augh, man there more stronger than last time. You're lucky they hadn't killed you!!!" Eric then grabbed a piece of his clothing and torn it. Wrapping it around his arm, he starts to talk to the headquarters.
" They've gotten stronger, we need more guns. We got to go now to HQ!!"
Turning around he sees Henry hissing in pain.
"It's gonna be alright, were going back."

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