Chapter 8

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I hope this wasn't becoming a habit. I rolled over and grabbed my phone. 

The early bird catches the worm. 

I sighed before typing. 

But the second mouse gets the cheese. 

I got up since it was 7.30 am anyway. 

What if I said I was the worm as prize for catching? 

Always knew you were a parasite. 

Alright Ms. Smart ass, hurry up. I'm already waiting outside. 

I scrambled up and opened the doors of my balcony, letting the morning air breeze into my room. Walking to the edge, I looked down and sure enough, his car was out there, with him in the driver's seat holding his phone and smiling down at the phone. 

Cute, you smile while texting me. 

I could see Wes' head from inside his car snap up to look at me. I waved cheerily at him, smirking. 

Cute nightgown

The blood drained from my face as I realised I was wearing a short hot pink slip on nightgown. I tried to appear unaffected as I flipped my hair and made my way back into my room. But by the time I had reached the door, my face was as hot as the pink colour of my gown.

 I changed into jeans and a long-sleeved cotton shirt. I took my time purposefully to annoy him. By the time I had gone outside the house, it was 7.50 am. 

"Is this going to be a habit?" I demanded, opening the passenger door and getting in. "Because I don't approve." 

"If i get to see you every morning in a sexy nightgown, then it absolutely will be," he smirked at me. 

"Just drive, Smirky," I muttered. "Tomorrow I'm wearing a bear onesie or something."

He laughed before starting the car and driving towards Chance café.


"Woah," Eli exclaimed once we had entered. "I like this new, early Kitty. Good job, Wes." 

"Good morning to you too, Eli, Jordan," I rolled my eyes. 

"You know, I'm starting to kind of miss Wes' old girls," Eli commented while Jordan made my coffee. "This place is kind of boring now, no one asking for carb-free coffee and all." 

Wes groaned, "Is no one going to let that go?!" 

"Never," Jordan grinned from behind the coffee machine. 

"Besides," Wes grinned, sliding an arm around my waist. I raised an eyebrow up at him. "I reckon Kitty is much more interesting. She gets annoyed so easily, after all." 

I elbowed him in the side at which he winced, shrinking away. 

"Feisty one, though," he muttered, rubbing his side as Jordan laughed. 

I grabbed my coffee from Jordan and went to sit at a nearby booth, pulling out my laptop. "So should I get started on the essay while we're here?" I asked them, sipping my coffee. 

"Someone's eager," Wes said, sliding into the seat opposite me with his coffee. 

"Well the sooner it's done, the sooner I get rid of you," I smiled sweetly at him. 

"You're stuck with me until the play's done," he grinned. 

"Just like Medea, I'm cursed," I responded, dramatically placing a hand over my heart. He laughed. 

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